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How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 6:27 am
by deadendwaterfall
First off, this was the first time in ages i've worn speedos to the pool! (I've worn speedos out of the pool since then, but the last time I have worn speedos to the pool is when I was 9 years old).

At the beginning of the April just gone, I went to this leisure centre:

I decided that I would test my own bravery by wearing the briefs what you can see in my user picture for this forum. I got to the centre, paid the entry fee etc and then when I got to the changing rooms, I waited for about five minutes to see if I would see anybody else wearing speedos, as then I probably wouldn't feel as nervous about the whole thing. Even the men who weren't fat and would look great wearing speedos were wearing baggy shorts!

So, I get changed, and as I am putting on the briefs, I feel myself getting an orgasm, but I quickly stop it. Once I was ready, I took a deep breath and opened the door, and then put my stuff away in an empty locker. I then go out into the main area, and can't see ANYBODY whatsoever wearing speedos! I still feel calm though. I then join the queue for the water slide and one or two girls kept staring at me, (which I felt was good), but apart from that, nobody kept staring at me. The whole time I was there, I never, ever attracted any unwanted attention, despite being probably one of the only people there not wearing shorts. I then finish off relaxing in a whirlpool, and I could feel the power of the whirlpool much more than if I had been wearing shorts.

A few days later though, I was ridiculed for this, because according to the person who ridiculed me, "Nobody wears budgie smugglers anymore, it went out of fashion at the end of the 1970s, you'll be a laughing stock!" I pointed out that it was what I felt the most comfortable in that counts, not the fashionable side of things.

But it all comes down to the thing I asked in the thread title: How come I didn't attract negative attention? How come I didn't attract negative attention despite being one of the only people wearing speedos?

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 8:58 am
by Shawnkjj
how do you feel about the whole episode, sure you are comfortable in them, which i think most people would ^^
but how you feel about the "non-existence attention"?

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:05 am
by deadendwaterfall
Shawnkjj wrote:how do you feel about the whole episode, sure you are comfortable in them, which i think most people would ^^
but how you feel about the "non-existence attention"?
I definitely felt comfortable in them, but it kinda felt weird in a way I can't quite explain, the thing about "non-existence attention", considering that I would have stood out from most other people.

Also, because I am a bit on the chubby side, I thought that would have attracted unwanted attention because of the comments I have seen on websites which have articles about speedos, (like the UK newspaper websites) saying that people on the fat side should only wear board shorts and not even bother with wearing speedos!

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:46 pm
by Nate
Basically, you probably didn't attract that sort of attention because - to put it bluntly - nobody really cared, maybe? People were doing their own thing, and what is it to them if there's a guy in speedos there too? They are swimwear. They may have done a double-take as they are not as widely seen as boardies, but there's no need to comment or anything so they probably thought "oh that guy is wearing speedos" for a second or two and then carried on with their own thing.


Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:35 pm
by tanned bum
I don't get it. You were upset there was no negative reactions? First, you have more nerve than 90% of the guys on this board. Everyone else would never have left the locker room if they were alone in the speedo dept. I hope you didn't ruin your day waiting and looking for reactions. It sounds like I've been saying for years. You are at a pool, you are wearing a swimsuit, what is the issue. Evidently, the others there thought the same.
Next time, go to the pool, enjoy and wear what you want. If you are the only you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are being your own man while there are probably others that wish they too had the nerve to wear them.

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 11:27 pm
by Eaite Randjam
tanned bum wrote:I don't get it. You were upset there was no negative reactions? First, you have more nerve than 90% of the guys on this board. Everyone else would never have left the locker room if they were alone in the speedo dept. I hope you didn't ruin your day waiting and looking for reactions. It sounds like I've been saying for years. You are at a pool, you are wearing a swimsuit, what is the issue. Evidently, the others there thought the same.
Next time, go to the pool, enjoy and wear what you want. If you are the only you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are being your own man while there are probably others that wish they too had the nerve to wear them.
I second this thought. The title caught me off guard, as though you were wholeheartedly expecting to get ridiculed and were sorely disappointed! I would take this as a personal triumph, because now you can go in with confidence knowing that 99% of the general public don't care enough to make a point to tell you what they think, even if it's positive or negative. The reason you didn't attract negative attention is because no one has the balls stand up in front of everyone else and announce they are a douche-bag and that their opinions and whims should be the standard! Quite the opposite is true: wear a speedo if you want to and if you're comfortable with yourself. If you don't think you should wear it, WEAR SOMETHING ELSE! :3

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 3:38 am
by electric2010
It's great that there was no negative attention. I hope that you can now be relaxed when you go to the pool in your speedo. Just go and enjoy yourself. Don't even worry about what other people think.

BTW, I think you look great in that suit!

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 4:53 am
by villageguy
Know your feelings. I am a big hairy type of guy (60s yo now) and always felt ashamed of all the hairy plus wearing a speedo was out of the question I thought. Won't comment on the feelings about being hairy. Always had a strong desire to wear speedo. Live in a retirement community of 55 yo +.

Loss lot of weight and had a tummy tuck. Still ended up with a good size stomach but no over hang.

Started out wearing tight trunks to the health club. No comments! Progressed to the speedos and still no comments or negative looks. Now my confidence is built up so I wear speedos all the time even in front of friends and relatives. I go to weekly deep water aerobics here at the community pool with about 30 some women. Only guy there!

I took a look at the women in the aerobics class and man! they have got nothing to talk about.

I had the same feelings you did also about getting no feed back when started wearing speedos. Think I felt something was wrong and expect some kind of response! Now they didn't mind me wearing speedos or was there something not attractive of my body!

To sum it up, there is too much flap about wearing speedo in the public here and other places that just adds to one's reluctance to wear them. Especially the guys that are well built. We all have feelings whether great looking stud and the average guy.

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:23 am
by briefs55
I have been swimming occasionally for a couple months at a local fitness center pool, almost always the only guy with a speedo (sporti euro cut). No reaction (at least that I can clearly discern) but so far I have generally come and gone from the poolside in shorts so maybe have avoided opportunities for reaction. Anyway, as time goes on it is feeling more normal to me and perhaps the comments above are on track, that we analyze and worry much more than is reasonable. Maybe most people really don't care at all. I enjoy my swimming, wearing what I do, and hope I'll just keep getting more and more comfortable and eventually not bother with the shorts over-partly-dried-off suit after swimming.

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 12:08 pm
by deadendwaterfall
tanned bum wrote:I don't get it. You were upset there was no negative reactions? First, you have more nerve than 90% of the guys on this board. Everyone else would never have left the locker room if they were alone in the speedo dept. I hope you didn't ruin your day waiting and looking for reactions. It sounds like I've been saying for years. You are at a pool, you are wearing a swimsuit, what is the issue. Evidently, the others there thought the same.
Next time, go to the pool, enjoy and wear what you want. If you are the only you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are being your own man while there are probably others that wish they too had the nerve to wear them.
No, you misunderstood me, I was not upset that there was no negative reactions, just rather confused that's all, as I was warned by somebody (not the person who laughed about me wearing something out of fashion) when I told them beforehand that I prefer wearing speedos, that I would stand out for all the wrong reasons. I forgot to add that in general whilst I was there, that I felt like a real man whilst wearing speedos. My day wasn't ruined by me looking for reactions. I know that I should have worded my experience a bit better, my experience was positive, but I am just a slight bit puzzled as to why it went so well when usually, when I wear clothing for any type of sport that stands out from everybody else, I usually get negative attention, and I would have thought that swimwear would have been something that I should typically except to get negative attention about if it looks different so that I stand out.

In a nutshell, I enjoyed wearing what I did wear, but was just a bit confused about how surprisingly well I felt like I was fitting in with everybody else when I was warned that this wouldn't be the case.

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 6:39 pm
by JonUK037
I've worn Speedo briefs at leisure pools many times and it has never been a problem. The last time I went to one around three months ago it was the first time I'd been to such a pool in a while and I did wonder whether to wear the briefs. I didn't see anyone else in briefs the whole time I was there, but no one paid the slightest attention to what I was wearing. I did notice that although the vast majority of guys were wearing baggy shorts, maybe 10-20% were wearing square cuts / jammers. I actually think this is more than say five years ago. Maybe the average person, doesn't differentiate between square cuts and briefs in terms of what they see as acceptable?

I also swim lengths regularly and usually see someone else in briefs. I think that if no one wore briefs even for fitness swimming then I might have an issue at the leisure pool. As it is, they are just seen as, albeit an out of fashion, a type of swimwear. If they think anything, people at the leisure pool probably just think that someone wearing briefs is just wearing what they normally wear to swim lengths.

I still didn't attract negative attention! :)

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 6:14 am
by deadendwaterfall
Hey guys, just thought I would add another experience of mine to this thread. Last Friday, I went to my local leisure centre, and went to go and use the whirpool bathtub in the sauna room area. I got changed, but this time, there wasn't any individual cubicals to get changed in, it was an open area and also used by the guys who use the gym equipment. I get changed, and then I drop something as I am putting my stuff in a locker. I bend down to get what I dropped, and one of the attendants was stood looking straight in my direction. I didn't feel uncomforable. To get to the sauna area, I had to go a little way down a corridor, then through to the sauna area. I have my towel with me, and then one of the cleaners sees me. She seems rather embarrassed that she saw me, but I wasn't. I hang my towel up and sit in the whirlpool tub. (The actual sauna was through another door, although I never actually went to the actual sauna). Strangely, nobody joins me, and during my time in the tub, I see two other men enter to use the sauna. One of them was wearing speedos, which I didn't expect at all. (I wasn't doing the thing of waiting around until I see a speedos wearer).

After this and the other story, I feel like my only problem now is getting over not wanting to wear speedos in front of anybody in my family.

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:37 pm
by runswimlove
I know this topic is a bit old at this point, but I just wanted to congratulate you on your courage to wear speedos in public- I think the reason nobody seemed to notice was because you had the balls to just do what you wanted. When I do things that I expect negative reactions to like wearing short shorts, swimming laps in speedos, holding hands with my bf in public- people don't say anything because I don't ask their opinion, I just do it. So congrats and I hope you keep enjoying your speedos!

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:34 am
by markuswolf09
I believe when you're lap swimming, speedos aren't taboo, which is probably why you didn't get any negative attention. I've often, if not always, been the only person in the lap pool I use to wear a speedo, and no one seems to pay me any mind. However, I recall wearing more conservative jammers once at a hotel room and an older lady gave me a rather rude stare. Oh well.

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:29 am
by ...:::sam:::...
Its a different place. Here, if you're not lapping in speedos or jammers you're not looking like a swimmer.

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 2:47 pm
by dhs
Shawnkjj wrote:how do you feel about the whole episode, sure you are comfortable in them, which i think most people would ^^
but how you feel about the "non-existence attention"?
it is kind of fickle the way people think! years ago at my military reserve base i bought these grey bikini speedos and we had a noon time swim, and sometimes when i would be leaving the local swim girls club would be coming in the pool but before i left i had to get my hard on down so as i put it i came with the jets releasing my rise in temperature.that was probably 10 to 15 years ago or more and as we know board shorts don't turn us on like speedos! well they don't have that noon time swim anymore, just the evening swim and it took a lot of nerve to wear my speedos as i probably have two dozen pair here in many bright colors, like orange, yellow, royal blue, navy, and some multi black design, and i wore the yellow and the orange both by meyba which i have had a while, right now i have a bright gold color pair, which i haven't worn them yet, but as long as you make like you have board shorts even though you are wearing speedos who cares because that is how i feel now, and they sure feel great swimming compared to board shorts! i met a guy across from my condo here in quincy, mass. and we talked about
going together, but we didn't hook up, but i am going to look for him on the beach this summer and hope fully he wants to go, as it only cost about $75 for the year if you are resident which he is! we don't have a whirlpool, but the pool is 25 meters and showers of course. some nights are quieter than others and shame on those people who ridicule you, i think a lot of times people are just damn jealous and also don't have the balls to wear them! i am going to a veterans convention in june and they have a small pool, but i know everybody there so i will wear my stars and stripes board suit, but even in my own city i don't know anybody and now i am comfortable wearing the speedos so i don't care what people think! if you were ever up my way they have a guest rate for $5. chuck

how come you didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 7:45 am
by swimmy
Easy. You didn't attract any negative attention because you didn't ask for any. You didn't do anything that would cause someone to attack or criticize you. That you might have been expecting something is where the problem is. Why are so many guys here worried about it? I wear a speedo every day at my pool, sometimes I'm the only one, I don't care. I'm not worried about it. I expect no negative attention, I'm not looking for it, and even if it happened I wouldn't care.

Re: How come I didn't attract negative attention?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 8:15 am
by Snowbrief
swimmy, mind disclosing where you reside, what country?

And by the way, very nice avatar indeed!