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Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:51 pm
by frankjath
Hi guys I was just wondering if there are any guys on here around my age 21. I just thinks it's cool when guys in there 20s are into speedos. What made you decide to stray from what's popular in society and wear speedos?

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:00 am
by speedoswimmer
I'm 21 and am someone who really doesn't care too much about what others think. I started swimming for fun in high school and was sick of board shorts. I was too nervous at the time to get briefs and found out about jammers and got a pair of those. I noticed a difference immediately and forgot about board shorts ever since. About a year ago I decided to try out square cuts, but didn't like them. I have muscular thighs from cycling my whole life so they would always ride up. After that, plus being encouraged by this board I decided to finally wear speedos to the pool and they're better than anything! Luckily at my school there are a lot of asians that wear speedos and square cuts, along with other american guys so it helps that I'm not the only one.

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:19 pm
by Nate
I'm 22! I've always had an interest in swimming and especially speedos. When I was a youngster, I'd wear them to swimming lessons and as I got older I wore shorts because almost everyone else my age then (about 10-12) was switching to boardies. However, I remember one time going swimming with a friend who wore speedos and thought he looked brilliant in them - and thought that about most people I saw in them, that they look really good.

As I got older, I used to wear speedos under my boardies purely to keep things in place down there. I find that in boardies, when I swam, that it was just going everywhere - and as a teenager, I used to find it difficult to control the fella, so with speedos under my boardies I could at least keep it under control a little. I wasn't particularly confident enough to wear them to the public pool, afraid if I'd bump into someone I knew at school (at the time, I didn't want the whole school knowing i preferred wearing them as they were usually the butt of jokes)

As I got older I started swimming again leisurely. Something to de-stress me from work and something I'd always enjoyed as a kid so I took it up again. About a year ago I started to get more serious and swam regularly, I realised that my boardshorts were just weighing me down too much so one swim session I decided to strip the boardies and go in just my speedos - it made a world of difference! My swimming improved incredibly, my confidence grew in the pool and now I'm hopefully turning it into a career by hopefully becoming a lifeguard or some other job within the water-leisure industry.

I feel more people my age should wear them, they're practical and make you look great. Thankfully, with the likes of Tom Daley and Ryan Lochte helping the cause, I'm seeing more and more speedos at every pool I go to. May the trend continue!

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:44 pm
by frankjath
Thanks guys for your stories its great to see more guys around my age choosing to wear speedos. Your right Nate as more people in the public eye wear them then it will become more common, nice speedos Nate! I do wish we would see guys wear them in movies and on TV. If you guys know of any movies or tv shows that show guys in speedos that would be great.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:25 am
by Eaite Randjam
I'm a little late to this party, but still wanted reply!

I'm 21 as well, saw my first speedo when I was in second or third grade. It was another kid at the pool for my apartment complex. I remember one of my parents remarking to the other that it was too bad the kid had to wear them. Well hell, I thought, I'd trade him for my shorts! I also remember they were an awesome looking bright blue.

Fast forward to middle/high school. I was still wearing the standard fare of swimwear, but caught a second speedo sighting at the public pool. The culprit was a high school swimmer wearing a green 'aluminum' patterned TYR brief! Oh my goodness! I fell into a sort of obsession and soon found myself searching the internet and finally visited my local sporting store and got a brief of my own, same style and colour.

After I graduated High school and moved out of my parents house, I began coming out of my shell a lot and I was more comfortable since there was a much lower chance of being spotted by someone who I knew. Now I try to swim at the local YMCA often and I wear nothing but swim briefs! Cheers!

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:35 pm
by nalpages
Hey, I'm 22. I live in Hong Kong where it's more or less normal for people of all ages, though I only began swimming regularly for fitness last year, and since then I've been told a couple times by friends that my local pool complex is "very gay." Obviously I have a thing for speedos, but from a functional perspective trunks mess up your form and I found jammers uncomfortable.

I have no problem wearing briefs here, but unfortunately if I went to North America I would feel less comfortable wearing the trimmer asian cut there.

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:59 pm
by frankjath
@nalpages Thats cool that its normal for people to wear speedo style suits in Hong Kong. All though I don't think you should feel any less comfortable wearing trimmer asian cuts here if you vist southern California, I don't know about the rest of the states but people usually don't care what anyone else is wearing. In my experience I have worn rather small suits to the beach or pool and I haven't had a negative comments even though every other guy is wearing boardshorts. I have also seen more guys wearing jammer style suits. Below are three of my favorite suits I have more but theses are the ones I wear a lot. I haven't worn the black one to beach yet only in our pool at home but the other two blue ones I have worn in public at the beach. :)

PS: If you have any friends who want to contribute to this thread let them know I love the wealth of conversation we have going on here also if you guys are on Instagram or other social networks I would love to know my Instagram is frankjath. Hope everyone is having a great day, night, or morning!

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:12 pm
by briefboy64
I'm 23. I love swim briefs both from a style perspective and the function of them when it comes to swimming. As for me, I'm pretty shy and if I were at the community pool where the focus is just having recreational fun in the water, I'd probably be in something a bit more conservative such as boardies. That's what I did when I worked there, but I sometimes did wear a jammer underneath for support. Overall I really can't stand jammers. The ones I have never really fit well. Since I started training for triathlon, my swim workouts at the YMCA are either in a TYR Fusion 2 long tight or my briefs.

I've been to a local nude beach and worn one of my japanese briefs there. I know at least briefs would be welcomed there and at the gay beaches in public. I'd like to see more people wearing briefs, but that's 'Merica for you.

So on a technicality I haven't really strayed from the public perception of "acceptable" swimwear in public. I kind of just only wear them in public where they are in fact accepted.

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:11 pm
by frankjath
briefboy64 wrote:So on a technicality I haven't really strayed from the public perception of "acceptable" swimwear in public. I kind of just only wear them in public where they are in fact accepted.
I remember when I was about 13 years old I walked into a sporting goods store with my dad and I saw a speedo on display hanging on a rack. At the time I didn't think much about it but my dad said I could buy one if I wanted as I might find them more comfortable to swim in. I remember thinking he was joking because I hadn't see anyone else wear them on the beach or at the pool, and all my friends had worn bordshorts at the time. Then years later when I was 16 I was at the beach and saw a man who looked to be in his 30's wearing a tight blue speedo, it was the first time I had seen a guy wearing a speedo at the beach, so the following day I went to a sporting goods store with my mom and I asked her if it was okay If I bought a speedo to wear to the beach and she was okay with it. The next day I went to the beach with my family and wore my speedo and never looked back. I haven't worn any shorts to the beach or pool since. I did however by one boardie because I thought it had a cute pattern but I only wore it when I was going to and from the pool, beach, or hotel room when on vacation, but when I got to the pool or beach I striped right down to my speedo.

My parents have always been supportive of me I even some times wear a thong swimsuit in our pool but not at the beach, I would very much love to but I am worried about families and what the lifeguard might say if I do. I might just have to go to a nude beach for that one.

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:26 am
by solarguy
Hot suits Frank! I really love the blue one with the tie on the front. What brand is it?

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:01 pm
by frankjath
@solarguy Thanks its an N2N Bodywear maverick. It's my favorite one definitely get looks in a positive way when I wear it.

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:43 pm
by hardspeedo
I was always heavier from about 2nd to 11th grade, and my speedo fetish began in middle school (staring at a cute boy's bulge in his jammers in my grade) where I'd wear them under swimsuits and as underwear constantly. I lost about 50 or so lbs. during 11th grade, so now I'm 6' 0" and about 170 - 175 lbs (hopefully I'll get back down to around 165 during the summer! :P ), and while I have a bit of a belly even after I lost the weight, one day I thought "Hmm, I'm only young once, I'm not obese, what the hell!" So, now all I own are speedos - not a pair of boardshorts in sight! Yeah, I don't have washboard abs, but who cares! Life's too short to worry about what people think, they make me feel sexy, I like showing off a little bit, and they make me faster swimming laps with my team in the pool! I'm 20, btw.

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:52 pm
by frankjath
hardspeedo wrote:I was always heavier from about 2nd to 11th grade, and my speedo fetish began in middle school (staring at a cute boy's bulge in his jammers in my grade) where I'd wear them under swimsuits and as underwear constantly. I lost about 50 or so lbs. during 11th grade, so now I'm 6' 0" and about 170 - 175 lbs (hopefully I'll get back down to around 165 during the summer! :P ), and while I have a bit of a belly even after I lost the weight, one day I thought "Hmm, I'm only young once, I'm not obese, what the hell!" So, now all I own are speedos - not a pair of boardshorts in sight! Yeah, I don't have washboard abs, but who cares! Life's too short to worry about what people think, they make me feel sexy, I like showing off a little bit, and they make me faster swimming laps with my team in the pool! I'm 20, btw.
Thats great I think people should wear what makes them comfortable. If speedos make you feel sexy and add to your confidence then I think thats amazing. Don't listen to the hatters there just jealous. We all come in different shapes and sizes some people find different body shapes and sizes to be attractive. There is never a problem with showing off a little.

Cheers! - Frank

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:49 pm
by tmasonxs
Hey, i'm 22 as well and im from the UK. First time i really wore speedo was on holiday. I went on a holiday to catch up with a friend from uni as he moved to go to uni elsewhere. So i had some time alone to go to the beach, i bought myself a pair of speedo (as i was a tad concious of wearing them around other people) but when I was alone i just stripped down to them. Now i swim regularly, and i only wear my speedo at the local pool. :)

Anyone up for a chat kik me (tmasonxs)

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:20 am
by runswimlove
I'm 20 and I've been into speedos ever since swim team in high school. :) I usually wear square cuts nowadays but I own 7 pairs of speedos and love having fun in them.

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:38 am
by Eaite Randjam
runswimlove wrote:I'm 20 and I've been into speedos ever since swim team in high school. :) I usually wear square cuts nowadays but I own 7 pairs of speedos and love having fun in them.
Aw man, you're lucky you had the opportunity to be on swim team. My school was dumb and only had a girls swim team. Something about equal opportunities or something :P

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:01 am
by Texas_swimmer
Im 22 here and wear them, I plan to as long as I look decent in them. I know everyone wont appreciate seeing an older guy not in shape in them lol.

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:50 pm
by paddedfoot
Im 24 and its always been speedos for me, right up from my teens. Got a pair of square cuts, but they dont see daylight much. I've tended to go for the usual brands like Speedo, arena and adidas, but lately i've been trying out aqux and AB as well.. haha those briefs dont feel quite as made-for-exercise!

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:00 am
by speedoboyecuador
its not straying its just being gay, gay people are exibitionist and they like to show body, therefore, speedos or thongs or gstrings are the answer for the gay man, not all but 90%

Re: Guys around my age in there twenties

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:33 am
by T419
speedoboyecuador wrote:its not straying its just being gay, gay people are exibitionist and they like to show body, therefore, speedos or thongs or gstrings are the answer for the gay man, not all but 90%
Bit of an over generalisation. I think that everyone should wear what they enjoy most, or what suits their personality, body and situation. It's not about being gay or straight. :/

I'm 22, and although I come from Australia where speedos are more common, I like wearing them NOT simply because "gay people are exhibitionists", but rather because they suit my body shape and they're what I enjoy wearing. Many of my gay friends don't like wearing speedos because they don't suit their body type, or think they look better in shorts. Personally, I don't like wearing thongs, gstrings or super dooper low cut speedos, or asian style speedos - but that's an personal aesthetic choice, not one wholly determined by my sexuality. Just like the style of jeans I wear or the pattern of a shirt.

*end of rant*

I started to wear speedo brand speedos as a kid, like almost every aussie kid does, and it continued into my teens because I wanted something under my swim shorts. Then I realised at about 17/18 that I was comfortable enough in myself to wear just speedos and not care what people thought, looked into more 'fashionable' brands of speedos, not just plain black or navy, and I've never looked back since.

Texas_swimmer wrote:Im 22 here and wear them, I plan to as long as I look decent in them. I know everyone wont appreciate seeing an older guy not in shape in them lol.
Rest assured Texas Swimmer, my pool is always open to you :)