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Beach Boyfriends website legit?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:19 pm
by speedo_arena
I just came across

The homepage has plenty of hot guys in and out of speedos. Anyone signed up for it yet? Is it any good? Is this site legit? I have a feeling the answer is no since some of the member profile pictures are from a porno I know with a speedo scene (Hot House's Dickin' Around)

Re: Beach Boyfriends website legit?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:10 pm
by DaveSpeedoEvans
Speedo Arena,

I joined the site a month or so ago and it was not a pleasant experience.

I joined for the trial and I couldn't download or watch anything unless I upgraded to the full membership. I couldn't see anything more than what is on their public site. Then when I cancelled I was billed again. I emailed them and had no response and in the end had to call my bank and have them cancel the transation.

It is sites like this that I hate and why I've made not like that. When you join SwimmerBoyz with the $4.95 trial you can download and watch everything. It is the same members area for trial members, monthly members or annual members. I am on MSN a whole bunch if any members need to talk to me and when you cancel - you are cancelled.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone joined Beach Boyfriends and had a different experience.
