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Fake Tan

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:22 pm
by DaveSpeedoEvans
I'm moving back to Sydney's northern beaches in a couple of weeks and after a winter in ski gear I am a little too white and pastey and my speedo tan has faded into nothingness.

Just wondering if any of you guys use any kind of fake tanning product?


Re: Fake Tan

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:57 pm
by aussiebumfan
I agree with the spray tan - just be careful of where you go to get it, and avoid the cheapies. They have received a lot of stick since their introduction, but like everything else, are getting better with time (as are we!). My gym (Lifestyle Fit) offers a spray tan that they guarantee not to turn orange or yellow, so try to get recommendations from others that get them - and remember, the fairer your skin, the bigger the risk you take.

Re: Fake Tan

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:56 pm
by ...:::sam:::...
A fake tan always looks like a fake tan. The shades all over the body are always wrong.

Re: Fake Tan

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:32 am
by piii
If you want a "tan" that's not so dark you could use a lotion. I like the Malibu hemp lotion with the tanner in it. It looks really natural and smells great. It really works well for me. I have a mixture o that with sunshine. I get mine at walmart.
