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Speedos enter the race for Governor of NY

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:51 am
by beaches
This is wild. Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate for governor of NY, made anti-gay remarks yesterday....and then when he was on the Today Show today trying to do damage control, he got fixated on Gay Pride parades & men wearing Speedos.

Re: Speedos enter the race for Governor of NY

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:13 am
by California Dolphin
It's quite apparent that the anti-gay movement is focusing on anything they think is symbolic of being gay.

The antispeedo (and short shorts) campaign was an early salvo (launched around 1998) against what they perceive as gay "fetish wear" and that's why guys are now wearing "bordie shorts" for running (and even trying to swim in the damn things).

Someone needs to stand up to this homophobic nonsense and mount a prospeedo campaign. If about 90% of the guys show up at the beach or a pool in speedos, that will send a message to the antigay crowd to go str8 to Hell!!! :twisted:


Re: Speedos enter the race for Governor of NY

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:53 pm
by speedoboi
If speedos are gay fetish wear, what about guys wearing underwear under their boardshorts. That's disgusting. We all know the underwear hasn't been changed for sure. That's a health issue waiting to happen.

Re: Speedos enter the race for Governor of NY

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:33 pm
by maddtown
speedoboi wrote:If speedos are gay fetish wear, what about guys wearing underwear under their boardshorts. That's disgusting.
I do not understand that either. Isn't the whole point of a swimsuit to wear something that dries quickly? I can't imagine sitting in wet cotton underwear after getting out of the water.

My favorite bit about the NY politician:

Paladino said he was objecting to children being exposed to gays and lesbians, especially in the gay pride parades where "they wear these little Speedos and they grind against each other and it's just a terrible thing..."

From my experience with two gay pride parades, there needs to be MORE speedos. There doesn't necessarily need to be grinding as the parades tend to be family-friendly events. But speedos are not inherently naughty or evil as this nut job seems to think.

Re: Speedos enter the race for Governor of NY

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:26 am
by briwin
speedoboi wrote:If speedos are gay fetish wear, what about guys wearing underwear under their boardshorts. That's disgusting.
... That's a health issue waiting to happen.

I've heard that some places have a ban on this practice. If you're caught, you're out

[a little off topic, I appologize]

Re: Speedos enter the race for Governor of NY

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:34 pm
by speedoboi
briwin wrote:
speedoboi wrote:If speedos are gay fetish wear, what about guys wearing underwear under their boardshorts. That's disgusting.
... That's a health issue waiting to happen.

I've heard that some places have a ban on this practice. If you're caught, you're out

[a little off topic, I appologize]
I wouldn't say you were even a little off topic. Remember, this is what the first post said, "This is wild. Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate for governor of NY, made anti-gay remarks yesterday....and then when he was on the Today Show today trying to do damage control, he got fixated on Gay Pride parades & men wearing Speedos."