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Puerto Rico

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:49 am
by Phoenix-pierce
So there is a possibility that i might be going to Puerto Rico for a week long vacation. Anybody know what the speedo view is there? I have never been there but iv been longing for some beach time and i would love to do it in style!

Re: Puerto Rico

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:16 am
by SwimTeamSpeedo
Been there and wore my brief cut suits. Like anywhere, you may be one of only a few but it is a Carribean location with lots of cruise ships, so there are plenty of tourists. Of course, I only wear Speedo type suits whenever I need a swimsuit, so I am not a good comparison for anyone who is nervous about being in a brief suit.

Re: Puerto Rico

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:07 pm
by tannedbum
again --- too much thinking. You are going to a beach resort to swim in pools and ocean where everyone will be wearing a swimsuit. The chances of anyone noticing what you have on is remote. If you wear anything that is of a normal cut or color you will just another person by the pool/beach. However -- you want to avoid extremely flashy (Pink rio cut bikini - see thru - thong) and you will fit right in. If you are the only one in a speedo -- so what. But if you are, don't show your insecurities and pull on shorts all the time to cover up - it only advertises you are not comfortable with your body or the suit.
Remember -- it is only a swimsuit! Its not like showing up at a black tie dinner in a Hawaiian shirt and jeans. There you would be judged for being out of place. Unlike wearing a speedo by the pool or on the beach where swimwear is appropriate.
One last note: Always ask about a thong if you want to go that route. In some places they are illegal or deemed inappropriate by the resort.