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What do you do with your worn-out Speedos?

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:16 pm
by 5t9
The question's legit. No, I am not wanting people to mail them to me :lol: !

There eventually comes a time, even though your favourite suit has served you well, that it is finally worn so thin, you have to retire it.

Spent speedos are not really useful as dusters, because the material seems to repel dust, rather than trap it. I get a few more swims out of them by wearing them under boardies if I choose to wear these (but this is not often). They prevent the uncomfortable chaffing caused by the boardies' internal mesh lining.

Sometimes, I "double-up" two worn-out ones, but this only lasts so long before I just have to toss them, both having lost their shape and colour.

Just curious.

Re: What do you do with your worn-out Speedos?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:02 am
by tannedbum
i keep the drawstring and toss the suit in the trash

Re: What do you do with your worn-out Speedos?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:10 am
by SwimTeamSpeedo
I do the same as you, us them to wear under shorts or boardies, which I wear as shorts. If they still have some form to them, i wear them under jeans. i also us them as the double up suit for swim workouts. After that, they usually go to swimwear heaven. I hate when i lose a particular favorite... :cry:

Re: What do you do with your worn-out Speedos?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:24 am
by mic214
Three things that you could try

1) wear them clubbing, they are really comfortable under jeans

2) if they are too worn for anything else, you could find a guy to rip them off for you

3) trade them, find another guy that has a hot used pre-worn pair for you

Re: What do you do with your worn-out Speedos?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:50 pm
by ...:::sam:::...
I cut the liner out so I dont keep using them in the pool and if they're still comfy I wear them as undies until they really give up.