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Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:23 pm
by oldspeedo
As I look at the photos on this site, I can't help wondering why there are no wet spots at the tips of speedo sheathed erections. I can't get hard without leaking all over my shorts. I usually leave a visit to this site with slimey briefs.

Am I unusual? I've already had experiences with lovers who have thought I came during foreplay only to find (usually to their delight) that I was just wet with anticipation. Pre-cum makes a great lubricant!

Re: Pre-cum

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:56 pm
by Duncandude
Hi oldspeedo,

First up, I"m so happy your speedos/underwear give you so much pleasure. :P

When I was younger and first started buying my own underwear and speedos I use to leak trying 'em on (at home). So sexy and smooth.

It doesn't happen anymore, but if I was in a room with the guys from here, well, I'm sure I'd be leaking in no time. :lol:

Re: Pre-cum

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:48 am
by Cozzy
You probably have an overactive or weak prostate - nothing to fear.