Heard of Gay and Bi and SMSM - Now G0y a new label
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:51 pm
Do You Fit the Gay Label ? Or are you G0y ! bit of a new label.
Some men who have sex with other men don't identify as Gay or Bi,
but prefer G0y ( with a Zero ).
G0y is basically Male Love and Sex that is Non Anal and equal.
Please Note: before you click the link:
I don't agree with the some what anti Gay comments on the G0y site,
which i regard as very unfair to Gay men.
Please dont go there if you are sensitive about a Gay Identity.
I treat all sexual identities as equal.
Str/MSM/Str'ish/Bi/G0y/Gay/Lesbian/Assexual are all OK with me,
we are just sexual beings, so who needs labels as such.
May help some find out who they are! If you can't relate to Gay but like Guys, you may be G0y, if you want a label that is.
Some men who have sex with other men don't identify as Gay or Bi,
but prefer G0y ( with a Zero ).
G0y is basically Male Love and Sex that is Non Anal and equal.
Please Note: before you click the link:
I don't agree with the some what anti Gay comments on the G0y site,
which i regard as very unfair to Gay men.
Please dont go there if you are sensitive about a Gay Identity.
I treat all sexual identities as equal.
Str/MSM/Str'ish/Bi/G0y/Gay/Lesbian/Assexual are all OK with me,
we are just sexual beings, so who needs labels as such.
May help some find out who they are! If you can't relate to Gay but like Guys, you may be G0y, if you want a label that is.