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Anyone ever have this problem with a new swimsuit?

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

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Anyone ever have this problem with a new swimsuit?

Post by Nova9 » Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:43 pm

Has anyone ever had a swimsuit discolor from being stored for a long time? I've got some irregular discoloration on on of my HOM suits. I was wondering if anyone here has run into this before. I included some pics so you can see what I mean. Keep in mind that this suit was only used once in a non-chlorine pool and was air dried before stored in a box under my bed for the past three years.






Re: Anyone ever have this problem with a new swimsuit?

Post by Justin88 » Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:19 pm

Nova9 wrote:Has anyone ever had a swimsuit discolor from being stored for a long time? I've got some irregular discoloration on on of my HOM suits. I was wondering if anyone here has run into this before. I included some pics so you can see what I mean. Keep in mind that this suit was only used once in a non-chlorine pool and was air dried before stored in a box under my bed for the past three years.
Pool might have had some other chemical like bromine. Did you rinse it before drying? You might have sat on something. Were you using sun block.

That's a really nice suit and HOM stuff is expensive.


Re: Anyone ever have this problem with a new swimsuit?

Post by Nova9 » Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:18 am

I did rinse is and let it dry before storing it. I wasn't out in the sun long so I didn't bother with the sunblock. Now that I am living somewhere where I can get some use out of my swimsuits, I can't really use this one anymore.

Yeah, HOM stuff is expensive and hard to come by. I'm a little peeved that I found it in this condition after storing it for the last few years.


Re: Anyone ever have this problem with a new swimsuit?

Post by Hotswimmr » Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:09 pm

I think, and I base this on my experience, that lycra rot will eventually set in, even if a suit has seen little or no use. Sweat, body oils, sunscreens, soaps, and chlorine, etc. will certainly hurry the process, but back when I had a more sizeable speedo collection, there were suits that I never wore except to try on that still got lycra rot after just sitting in storage for some years.

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