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Help and/or sugestions please

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:05 pm
by speedoboi
Hello everyone,

My name is speedoboi. I've just gotten back into wearing speedos. I'm stra8 but curious. To know a bit more about me, please read my posts, "Hello from Toronto, Canada," (found in the section Say G'day if you're new here) and "Fun in the steamroom," (Speedo stories section). I'm hoping to improve my swimming skills so I'm looking into private swimming lessons. Once I've improved, I hope to join a recreational water polo club. In Toronto, I believe the Toronto Trigerfish (, not sure about the accurate spelling) is the only club for those 18 and over. This club does serves primarily the LGTB community but you don't have to be gay or bi to join and they will help you learn water polo regardless of your skill. The main reasons for joining are: it's a great way to stay in shape and fun, and speedos are a must for swi wear.

Everytime I go to the gym and use the pool, 99.9% of the time I'm the ONLY guy in speedos. Whenever I go swimming with my friends, I must wear my swim shorts (fortunately they're by aussiebum and they are short and loose, no lining). The stigma attached to swimbriefs is awful. So I think this would be a good idea for me to increase my comfort in wearing speedos. I figured as an alternative, i could wear the water polo swimwear by aussiebum. But if I'm on a team where evry guy is in speedos, it will be great.

Your help and or sugestions would be appreciated. You can do that by replying to this post and/or sending me a private message.


Re: Help and/or sugestions please

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:50 am
by swimmerboy
What exactly do you need help with? It sounds like you are doing what you want already...