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The post: Fina Bans Tech suits in 2010

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:12 pm
by speedoboi

Does anyone what happened to the post about FINA banning tech suits? If it was removed, what was the reason? If anyone knows, please inform me. I'm asking out of curiosity.

Re: The post: Fina Bans Tech suits in 2010

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:20 pm
by Justin88
speedoboi wrote:Hi,

Does anyone what happened to the post about FINA banning tech suits? If it was removed, what was the reason? If anyone knows, please inform me. I'm asking out of curiosity.
I saw it this morning, and while I was on, the board went down, there was an error message, and when it came back up there were some more spam posts. Maybe it got lost then. I was working on my first "Aqux on Ebay" post, and that disappeared.

I think I started that post Fina post... ;-(

This board used to be so stable.


Re: The post: Fina Bans Tech suits in 2010

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:24 pm
by Scotty
Argg - i did it totally by accident ... sorry guys - was trying to quickly clean up spam and must have hit it accidentally ... i can't retrieve it but anyone who has those links, feel free to re-post them - there was nothing wrong with the post ... forgive me guys? ... :oops:

Re: The post: Fina Bans Tech suits in 2010

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:55 pm
by speedoboi
Yes Justin, I believe it was you who started that post. But I-m not 100% sure. Scotty, don't worry, you're forgiven. Nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes. But as "punishment," you must wear baggy swimshorts for the remainder of the summer. lol

Re: The post: Fina Bans Tech suits in 2010

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:45 pm
by Justin88
speedoboi wrote: But as "punishment," you must wear baggy swimshorts for the remainder of the summer. lol
I was going to say that's a stiff sentence but its a floppy sentence. :mrgreen:

Re: The post: Fina Bans Tech suits in 2010

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:39 am
by maddtown
*sigh* half the posts I ever made were in that thread. :cry:

Did anyone see that all the finalists in one of the races at the US Open last week wore briefs? One of the swimmers contacted the other finalists and they all agreed to not use their body suits. Apparently even some of the swimmers aren't necessarily in favor of the suits.


Here's the story on it. ... on-briefs/

Re: The post: Fina Bans Tech suits in 2010

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:52 pm
by speedoboi
maddtown wrote:*sigh* half the posts I ever made were in that thread. :cry:

Did anyone see that all the finalists in one of the races at the US Open last week wore briefs? One of the swimmers contacted the other finalists and they all agreed to not use their body suits. Apparently even some of the swimmers aren't necessarily in favor of the suits.


Here's the story on it. ... on-briefs/
2 thumbs up for the swimmers for wearing swim briefs! I also enjoyed reading the story. Thanks for posting this maddtown.

Re: The post: Fina Bans Tech suits in 2010

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:51 am
by briwin
something I found on YouTube.. he's a bit of a talker, but relevant to this topic

[The video was removed] Boo :(