G'day Guys,
Welcome to the Speedo Forum.
If you are a guest, you can only see a small portion of the forum. Members like posting their speedo selfies so I don't like that to be 100% public. However, joining is free.
If you are a new member, you need to email me your username so I can manually activate your account. This is a pain (for you and me) but it is the only way I've been able to keep the spam bots from ruining the forum. My email address is: DaveEvans@SpeedoFetish.com
This forum is free and I don't allow any advertising (except my own sites), if you would like to donate please click the link above, all donations go towards the hosting and maintenance of the forum for everyone to enjoy.
Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast
Welcome to the Speedo Forum.
If you are a guest, you can only see a small portion of the forum. Members like posting their speedo selfies so I don't like that to be 100% public. However, joining is free.
If you are a new member, you need to email me your username so I can manually activate your account. This is a pain (for you and me) but it is the only way I've been able to keep the spam bots from ruining the forum. My email address is: DaveEvans@SpeedoFetish.com
This forum is free and I don't allow any advertising (except my own sites), if you would like to donate please click the link above, all donations go towards the hosting and maintenance of the forum for everyone to enjoy.
Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast
Truth or Dare...
Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans
jay- rent a full suit (with a jockstrap underneath)and go to a fancy resturant. then order a drink, appitizer, drink, meal, desert. now each time the waitor come back take off one piece of lcothing till you are down to your jockstrap then once he discovers your naked (shouldnt be long) run out of the resturant quickly intoyour car and drive home and give ussa full report! have fun
and now part 3 my car wouldn't start! (its a piece of junk ive had it for years and it was used then) so i had to get out of the car and go ask some 1 to help me get it started. (keep in mind im still in a white speedo driping wet with my cock sticking out) and some one desides to help me and after a half an hour of labor its done....