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Truth or Dare...

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans


Post by Scotty » Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:09 pm

OK BigBi, you got me there - how about mental notes - I def won't be using anything as skinny as a pen or pencil to make my point either......


Post by K » Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:50 pm

And me! But he knows that :)


Post by bigbiGambleD » Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:39 pm

Yeh scotty, not even a marker would be big enough, and mental notes it is 8)

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Post by Matt » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:54 am

Group dare for everyone on the site. Go to a busy office building or motel and get on the elevator. When you're alone on it take off your pants remove your underwear and leave them on the elevator. Then put your pants back on and leave the building. Must be done during the day when it's busy.Have fun boys. 8)


Post by Scotty » Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:08 pm

Wow Matt - there is nothing close with an elevator - but I'll remember this the next time I go somewhere a little more "urban."

Bj - have fun - we'd love to hear the story afterwards (pics, of course, would be nice but not required...)


Post by speedolover1 » Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:26 pm

give me 1


Post by K » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:12 pm

Well that was interesting. As I was walking out in a suit a nice looking girl walked in and gave me a funny look. I just shrugged at her lol. :roll:

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Post by Matt » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:31 am

Only two of you jokers did the dare? Oh come on

men.Jace and I both did it even though he changed the

rules on me.Go up 2 floors take off pants and

underwear leave them outside the elevator on that

floor.Then ride the elevator bareassed to the top floor

and pray your clothes are still on the floor you left

them. 8)


Post by bigbiGambleD » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:07 am

I found this office building earlier and did it there, there was a nice girl in a business suit that caught me in the elevator.. :D


Post by Scotty » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:56 am

I was out a little while ago and drove past this new medical building (yes, it was definitely open for business even on a saturday). It was 3 stories so I figured it must have an elevator.

I got in, hit the button for the third floor, dropped trou, took off my favorite pair of unico boxer-briefs, left them on the floor and was pulling my shorts back up just as the door opened and a 40-something woman got in. I really have no idea how much, if anything she saw, but she sure smiled a lot during the ride back down... She never did notice my underwear on the floor though.

When I got back out, I had parked near the door, so I decided to sit for a little while to see if anyone came out carrying them, but no luck....

Great dare, but damn - I'm gonna miss those Unicos....


Post by bigbiGambleD » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:02 pm

Yeh i wore the white turn pink aussiebum hipsters of mine, and the hot lady must have got them, cuz she stayed in the elevator when I got out.


Post by K » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:10 pm

I used just some hanes whities, figured I didn't want to lose any good ones :lol:


Post by Scotty » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:39 pm

Jace - yeah well unfortunately, I hadn't planned on doing the dare then - If you recall I had said that I really didn't think we had any buildings close by with elevators, so when I saw it as I was driving by, I figured I have to do this and just went for it. I actually didn't think about it until I had my shorts off and I was pulling them down..... Yes, I did have second thoughts but if I had stopped then, what would you guys have thought?

Maybe I'll go back and see if they have a "lost and found..." The only problem is how do I explain how they got "lost" - lol


Post by bigjay » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:28 pm

If someone is going to find my underwear in a hotel on an elevator or something, I'm leaving nice ones. I will miss the Calvin's but I will get new ones, I like that dare, adrenaline was pumping for me!

Guys I had a blast at the pool party, check out the story section!


Post by bigjay » Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:08 pm

Scott - Don't think I forgot about your dare! I am going to give you this dare, but if you are interested in something more with this person, let me know and I will change the dare.

So you remember the hottie that you jogged past nude the other night? I want you to jog back over to his house, try and see if you can make sure he is home alone. Oh by the way your jogging in only shorts and shoes, no undies of course. Go to the door and when he answers, strip and ask him if he can hold onto your shorts while you go around the block. If he says sure, go around and cum back to his house. From there it is up to you! ;)


Post by Scotty » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:04 pm

Bj - after you read the update in the stories section about my "friend" who I now know is named Jeff, I'm going to have to say that I will definitely do that dare if the situation ever presents itself, but it appears unlikely.

So, because of that - go ahead and give me another dare so that I can keep up...


Post by K » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:22 pm

And after you do that Scotty (Bj's next dare that he gives you) or before that, give me a dare :D


Post by bigjay » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:35 pm

scott I will think of one and give it to you tomorrow, I'm heading to bed, long day today and not much sleep last night from the party.


Post by Scotty » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:50 pm

ok then K - the next time you go swimming in a public place (it can be a public pool, or a private pool with other people there - just not alone...) stuff a sock in the front of your speedo and keep it there until someone comments on your "impressive package."

Now, I'm not trying to say that it isn't impressive anyway, but with a sock there, it should help draw even more attention to it.

When your done - I'll take one....


Post by K » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:17 am

well that sure was interesting hahaha! :lol:

I went to the Y here, changed in the locker room (had to wait till nobody was looking to stuf a sock in there :roll: ) and walked out.

I got 2 phone numbers and numerous compliments! :) And one of the phone numbers and alot of the compliments were from guys :D :lol:

Had to take it out once I started speed swimming....it started to come out! :lol:

Scotty - I think BJ's giving you a dare but I'll go ahead and give you this one.

Go outside in nothing but a speedo and wash your car making sure your speedo gets very wet.

And then so as not to get your house floor wet :) , stand at your front door and take your speedo off.
But whoops! You've forgotten to turn the hose off! I think its too much trouble to put that cumbersome speedo back on to go turn it off and roll the hose off, don't you think?

Happy Washing :D

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