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Get out of the Speedo Closet

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Justin88 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:03 pm

skimpy10 wrote:I've seen and had similar problems as htechtim.

I was "escorted" off a local lakefront swimming area for wearing a rather modest squarecut speedo, being taken right by bikini-clad girls. With their reaction, you might have thought I was streaking!

There was a municipal pool in southern Utah that had proposed a ban on two-piece suits on women. There were howls of protests from the community, so they lifted that ban. The Speedo ban: it's still there. Only knee-length board shorts are acceptable.
This is unreal.

California Dolphin

Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by California Dolphin » Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:34 pm

12864 wrote:It's odd isn't it? Back in the 70s-80s, people didn't have an issue with speedos and men wore them all the time. Nowadays, there's an awful double standard that women can wear bikinis because it's 'hot' but men can't wear speedos because it's 'gross'.
What exactly is so "Gross" about men wearing speedos? The long and baggy shorts (and "Jammers") are just plain weired. This is not Afghanistan or Iran so why should men be required to wear the moral equivalent of "Leg Veils"?

Furthermore, just in my opinion women are "overrated" as far as attractiveness is concerned. What exactly is so attractive about a woman's body (other than what's between their legs)? Maybe it's just the Gay side of me, but I find that very few american women are really attractive.

When it comes to my Str8 side, I think Asian girls are very attractive. But american women have a ways to go.



Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by tannedbum » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:12 pm

You, as most, make blanket statements based on what one person says or says some said. Any comments are based on experience and culture and peer pressure. Age will make a lot of difference as does location. A comment made at Redondo Beach is based on entirely different views than a comment in South Beach. Here is when you should forget what others say or think, be yourself and if nothing else, try to understand where the comments may be coming from.

Back in the 70's in California the huge rage became surfing. The Beach Boys, floppy blond hair and surfer shorts. The shorts were for a couple reasons. One was protection. The boards were waxed for friction and in turn the sand stuck to it. It was like laying on sandpaper. The heavy weight cotton shorts offered protection and the pockets a place to keep car keys and cash. It was not unusual to head into the water to surf and after a couple hours end up a mile or two down the beach. Not wise top leave those things behind. Another reason -- that I found out the hard way -- is the nylon speedos or the fragile lycra blends would be shredded by the sand paper effect of the wax/sand mixture. I remember guy that tried it with speedos had to toss them after one wearing.

The popularity of the Beach Boys made the California Beach Culture king. Everyone wanted the surfer shorts to look cool. Besides being more practical to wear. Used as swimwear or as shorts and they were just plain cool. Much easier to mass market and produce they became popular fast.

After the 70's came the 80's and the Hippie culture. Underwear took a real hit as most guys went commando. None of the confines of conventional things like underwear. Hanging lose was the way to go. Even when the hard rock bands were the thing it was obvious those guys were commando. A few showed up in speedos in the MTV videos(Duran Duran and Wham) but they were in the shorts in fan magazines when at the beach.

After guys have had the freedom of hanging lose in daily wear and while in swim suits, the idea of jamming the goods into a tight bikini briefs or speedos was not appealing. No one wanted to give up the freedom or the comfort of swinging in the wind. Those guys went on to have kids and the boys wanted to be like daddy and also get boxers and board shorts. They took it farther to "Jams", but again, no one wants to jam their guys into tight speedos while they can be lose and float free in the water.

The fact remains that it is easier and cheaper to pick up some of the board shorts at just about any retail store and wear them as shorts or swim shorts. It makes "lets go to the beach" a quick jump in the car and off to the beach. They are already wearing their short/swimsuit -- no need to stop at home and get the speedo to change into. Being a car culture makes spontaneous acts like that easy

However, it is a lot different today than it has ever been. Guys are thinking for themselves more and there has been a lot of influence on how guys dress by the gays. The "MetroSexual" is really a straight dressing with a gay look - but not as dramatic. Speedos, well that is the problem. Many guys would wear them and often do, but only in certain places. The problem, the gays that taught them to dress better have also taken the speedo as the costume of choice in Pride parades, and in extreme forms (transparent, too skimpy or too bright) Unfortunately they have sent a message that makes most guys and their women uncomfortable -- Speedo=Gay. The same culture that have guys dressing better, more suggestively and exposing more have ruined it when it comes to swimwear. Gays are just as guilty of assuming a guy in a speedo is gay. I know str8 guys wearing speedos that quit because they kept getting hit on.

The US is a very diverse culture. People in the middle of the country may go their entire life without seeing an ocean. Swimming is such an unusual event that a pair of cut off jeans is their swimsuit. It has been a country based on change. While Europeon cultures don't jump into fads and the beach and its attire has never been a basis for a whole cultural feel like the Surfer influence. Even if the fashion went to speedos there is a huge part of the culture that wouldn't forsake the board shorts that can be short or swim suits for a single use item like a speedo. It's cheaper and easier to have duel purpose clothing. (Speedos $30+, board shorts at Target $14)

When people condem the entire US as too uptight or conservative to wear speedos are those that have no idea what the country is like. There are different attitudes and cultures within a single state so saying the entire county is anything is very uneducated.

I am a firm believer that a person should be what he is. As long as he isn't intruding or forcing his attitudes on another person, he should be true to himself. That is why I say, if you want to wear a speedo, wear it. When you weaken to the attitudes that you think other have about speedos, you give up you own person. You shouldn't be effected by what others may or may not think. Don't be afraid to be different than the crowd, in the end you may actually influence them.


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Diveguy » Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:29 am

California Dolphin wrote: Furthermore, just in my opinion women are "overrated" as far as attractiveness is concerned. What exactly is so attractive about a woman's body (other than what's between their legs)? Maybe it's just the Gay side of me, but I find that very few american women are really attractive.

When it comes to my Str8 side, I think Asian girls are very attractive. But american women have a ways to go.

Wow! "Overrated??" Not sure if... I even... know where to begin...

I'm guessing your Gay side is waaaaay overpowering your Str8 side on this one. You ask "What exactly is so attractive about a woman's body (other than what's between their legs)?" - OMG, do I need to write a list? Let me not pretend to speak for every other guy out there and especially my gay friends, but for me, for starters, I'm totally a legs/thighs and ass man, followed by a nice sexy flat stomach, hips, boobs (they don't have to be big, just nice ), but that's just parts, because more often than not the first things I notice are a gorgeous pair of eyes, soft flowing gorgeous hair, and a beautiful smile, the kind of smile that can melt a man in his tracks. And as far as the attractiveness of American women... I have a two word rebuttal:

Kate Upton

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34hWlRJH ... plpp_video
Cat Daddy Kate.jpg
Cat Daddy Kate.jpg (66.33 KiB) Viewed 5248 times
My apologies gentlemen, I couldn't help myself! Maybe I should have responded to this post in the GirlsSwimmerSex forum!


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by swimtimx » Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:31 am

Well I swim twice a day and always wear a speedo, typically AussieBum WonderJocks. And when i'm at the beach or lake I also wear speedos, typically Andrew Christian or sometimes (if I'm feelin frisky) an Aqux or N2N ... i love surfing in Aqux lol

As for pics and mirrors, sometimes it's just handy to use a mirror, but here's a pic of me taken by an ex BF, though I admit the speedo isnt too flattering lol
Me3.jpg (62.37 KiB) Viewed 5248 times


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Diveguy » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:51 am

tannedbum wrote:After guys have had the freedom of hanging lose in daily wear and while in swim suits, the idea of jamming the goods into a tight bikini briefs or speedos was not appealing. No one wanted to give up the freedom or the comfort of swinging in the wind.
That's an interesting theory that I never thought of before. My feelings are the exact opposite, but of course I love Speedos, so I'm biased. Where I feel a complete "loss of freedom" is when wearing long trunks or baggies wrapped around my thighs and legs and even knees if they are that long. I feel totally constricted and held back by so much cloth, especially when in the water. And even though my speedo firmly holds my junk in place, I've never felt that to be uncomfortable, and whatever joy that I might get from having them dangle loosely inside a swimsuit that's bigger than the tarp I use to cover my car is completely negated by the loss of freedom I feel everywhere else.
tannedbum wrote:The fact remains that it is easier and cheaper to pick up some of the board shorts at just about any retail store and wear them as shorts or swim shorts. It makes "lets go to the beach" a quick jump in the car and off to the beach. They are already wearing their short/swimsuit -- no need to stop at home and get the speedo to change into. Being a car culture makes spontaneous acts like that easy
Sure, that all makes sense, but there's enough room in the car's glove compartment to easily stash 3 or 4 little speedos. ;-) It would be impossible to stuff even one pair of knee length board shorts into a typical glove compartment. And as far as changing into one, I've done that while sitting in the car, no problem, or even discretly in a quiet part of the parking lot while standing in the space between the car and the open driver's side door.
tannedbum wrote:However, it is a lot different today than it has ever been. Guys are thinking for themselves more and there has been a lot of influence on how guys dress by the gays. The "MetroSexual" is really a straight dressing with a gay look - but not as dramatic. Speedos, well that is the problem. Many guys would wear them and often do, but only in certain places. The problem, the gays that taught them to dress better have also taken the speedo as the costume of choice in Pride parades, and in extreme forms (transparent, too skimpy or too bright) Unfortunately they have sent a message that makes most guys and their women uncomfortable -- Speedo=Gay. The same culture that have guys dressing better, more suggestively and exposing more have ruined it when it comes to swimwear. Gays are just as guilty of assuming a guy in a speedo is gay. I know str8 guys wearing speedos that quit because they kept getting hit on.
I agree with all of that. Speedos are not just for gay men and competitive swimmers, and the diversity of all kinds of men gay and straight that wear them worldwide proves that. I just wish it were true for here, too. Of course it's true that in the USA that Speedos have taken on a "gay thing" reputation, (and god bless all you gay guys for proudly wearing them, at least it keeps a retail market going for them!). But I truly believe that some gay guys being so "in your face" about wearing Speedos in every kind of setting outside of swimming and suntanning in them, where the point being made is blatantly sexual in nature in situations that generally aren't, has helped to stigmatize the Speedo. I'm not saying don't engage in those sorts of displays, hey, knock yourself out if that's what you like, you have the right to do so. I'm just saying that if gay guys are mostly the only folks that so completely embrace the Speedo, then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, and it makes the Speedo a fringe thing instead of a generally and universally accepted attire for anyone and anywhere. My opinions. Yours may differ.
tannedbum wrote:Even if the fashion went to speedos there is a huge part of the culture that wouldn't forsake the board shorts that can be short or swim suits for a single use item like a speedo. It's cheaper and easier to have duel purpose clothing. (Speedos $30+, board shorts at Target $14)

When people condem the entire US as too uptight or conservative to wear speedos are those that have no idea what the country is like. There are different attitudes and cultures within a single state so saying the entire county is anything is very uneducated.
I understand the diversity of this country, with over 300 million population how can there not be diversity? But I think it's a bit simplistic to say guys prefer board shorts to speedos because board shorts are cheaper and can be used as outerwear away from the beach or the pool as well as swimwear. Board shorts are more commonly found at places like Target and Walmart and speedos are not because board shorts are what guys are buying, and that's because it's inbred in them culturally, and I totally believe that. And I also totally believe that American culture spreads around the world in so many aspects of what other cultures try to emulate in an attempt to be "hip and cool" like the Americans. And unfortunately, I think that it has spread the popularity of those god forsakenly awful knee length board shorts and baggy trunks to cultures where wearing speedos is traditionally commonplace but now among young guys especially, you're seeing as many if not more of them refusing the speedos in favor of the long and the baggy. And all you have to do is go online to see pictures or on YouTube for videos from places like Europe, Brazil, etc. to see it and I think it's an alarming trend, frankly.
tannedbum wrote:I am a firm believer that a person should be what he is. As long as he isn't intruding or forcing his attitudes on another person, he should be true to himself. That is why I say, if you want to wear a speedo, wear it. When you weaken to the attitudes that you think other have about speedos, you give up you own person. You shouldn't be effected by what others may or may not think. Don't be afraid to be different than the crowd, in the end you may actually influence them.
I salute your philosophy, but for me, it's all about "location, location, location". I love Speedos, I love wearing them, I love swimming snorkelling and diving in them and I love laying out in them, but I'm not trying to make a statement by wearing them. Not wanting to call attention to myself by being the only guy wearing a speedo is also part of me being my own person. Maybe that's just me but I'd feel very uncomfortable wearing one in situations like the common-area pool where my sister and her family lives, where there is a mixed family environment and no other guys are in one. But take that same "family environment" and transfer it to someplace like the beaches of Italy where our friend Slipuomo takes all those videos of guys in Speedos and clearly, lots of guys of all kinds, including kids, are wearing them and it is not a unique or unusual thing, and you bet your ass I'd be wearing mine. I wouldn't wear one on a hot summer day on Santa Monica beach where half the population from the Inland Empire are there to beat the heat and most of them aren't even in swimsuits but rather are swimming in shorts and tee shirts, (but that's not a place I'd want to be regardless). But in a quiet secluded part of the beach where you're practically all by yourself and you're just laying out in your Speedo and then at some point you walk down to the surf and dive in for a swim, yes, I would, and I have done that in my Speedo. I'd wear one to a public pool where people are lap swimming and lots of guys are wearing them, of course, but take that same pool when it's open on a hot summer day mostly to local kids who are all yelling and screaming and just splashing around and no, I would not be there at those times in my speedo. And of course, on any exotic or tropical beach such as Hawaii, Florida, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, South Pacific, etc. you would ONLY catch me there in a Speedo. I wouldn't even bother packing any other kind of swim trunks for a trip to a place like that!


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by tannedbum » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:09 pm

In other words, you wear speedos when you feel safe. You are not a speedo wearer, but a person that wears speedos on occasion. You need to look around to see what others are wearing before you decide to take off the shorts, you take the safe out and "fit in" forfeiting your individual preferences.

I have always worn speedos on Santa Monica Beach. Why not? It is only blocks from West Hollywood so I can't ever recall there not being guys in speedos. It is adjacent to Venice Beach (or "Muscle Beach") and that has always been a haven for guys in speedo, posing suits and g-strings. You could always speak with a French accent and let them think your are a Europeon.

Having lived in the so called "Inland Empire" (Riverside, San Bernardino, Redlands, Palm Springs etc) I can honestly say that if they head to the beach at all, it is straight down the 55 to Newport area. That is a bad enough drive, crossing the entire metropolitan Los Angeles area is a horrible drive and takes twice as long as going to Newport. Unless it is a weekend at Shutters on the Beach, Santa Monica is not an Inland choice.

Not wearing a speedo around family is one that I will give you. You never see yourself or siblings as sexual beings. To have your genitals on display may seem awkward feeling the focus will be there and not on you as the same person you are in clothes. That depends on your family and friends.

When I read this board and see how many guys have a fear of being the only one in a speedo I sometimes wonder, how many of the guys at the beach (or by the pool) have on speedos under their shorts but don't want to be the only one to be seen in speedos. How funny it would be if everyone was secure enough to drop the shorts and it ends up that speedos are the majority. Think about it the next time you don't take your shorts off at the beach--you may be one of many that also live in the same fear.


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Bede735 » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:45 pm

So really it depends on where the place is and your level of modesty? There is an element of truth in that. I dress very modestly. I only wear long sleeve shirts in the workplace, and t-shirts only in public when the weather is really hot. Though I do wear sleeveless tops whilst working out in the gym. Shorts though, are completely out.
Now we come to the exception - the public pool. I want to get from one end to the other as quickly as possible, over and over again, and to do that brief swimear is the only answer. I'm often the only one wearing brief speedos at the pool, but I don't have a problem with that, as it appears to be the most appropriate place to do so. To me, guys wearing long shorts really look out of place, so, if anyone has a problem it's them.


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Texas_swimmer » Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:27 pm

I wont lie every time I go to the gym to swim I get really nervous about wearing my speedos. I dont know why I do but I just do. Eventually I get over it and just go in wearing them in the pool. Nobody has said anything to me though, so I don't get nervous when I start swimming laps. I really want to wear them at the beach but then I really get afraid and don't go through with it because Im sure my friends would be like wtf are you doing??? I think I get nervous because I don't want someone making judgements about me and presuming who I am just because of a swim suit...

Everyday though I try to be less and less nervous about it when I go swimming in them. Hopefully I get to the point where I dont worry.

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Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by speedoboi0418 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:47 pm

Texas_swimmer wrote:I wont lie every time I go to the gym to swim I get really nervous about wearing my speedos. I dont know why I do but I just do. Eventually I get over it and just go in wearing them in the pool. Nobody has said anything to me though, so I don't get nervous when I start swimming laps. I really want to wear them at the beach but then I really get afraid and don't go through with it because Im sure my friends would be like wtf are you doing??? I think I get nervous because I don't want someone making judgements about me and presuming who I am just because of a swim suit...

Everyday though I try to be less and less nervous about it when I go swimming in them. Hopefully I get to the point where I dont worry.
like your attitude man! a lot of what you just said is how i feel lol
thanks! nice to know I'm not only one who feels that way
Be true to yourself, never somebody else

California Dolphin

Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by California Dolphin » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:38 pm

Texas_swimmer wrote:I wont lie every time I go to the gym to swim I get really nervous about wearing my speedos. I dont know why I do but I just do. Eventually I get over it and just go in wearing them in the pool. Nobody has said anything to me though, so I don't get nervous when I start swimming laps. I really want to wear them at the beach but then I really get afraid and don't go through with it because Im sure my friends would be like wtf are you doing??? I think I get nervous because I don't want someone making judgements about me and presuming who I am just because of a swim suit...

Everyday though I try to be less and less nervous about it when I go swimming in them. Hopefully I get to the point where I dont worry.
Out here in San Francisco, short running shorts for men are becoming quite popular. I've got 3 pairs of old Levis that I cut off 1/2 way up from the knee and I wear them out in public. No bad comments or bad looks.

I haven't been to the pool for several years so I don't know what guys are wearing. However my approach is to just start wearing a speedo in the pool and short shorts on land.

The more guys that do it, the more acceptable it will become. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Phoenix-pierce » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:15 pm

I go white water rafting every year with an outfit in Riggins Idaho. I usually go with a number of my friends. When we get there, we board a buss with like 50 other people all going on the same adventure. this year was the third year that i have worn my speedo on the trip. I actually find it more comfortable sitting on the side of the raft in a speedo that in baggy board shorts that keep wrapping themselves around my legs. I show up and board the bus wearing the speedo and a t-shirt and once i go to put the life jacket on i take the shirt off. I get some looks at first, but then people go about their lives. I have even had girls come and give compliments and even take pictures ( not sure why as there are much better looking guys on the river than me, lol). I ran into an aussie that commended me on wearing it as he stated it was much more comfortable as well.

After the trip is over we head into town to check out the pictures that get taken by a guy as you pass a certain rapid. He gets every boat that passes by and then you go and buy the pictures. Its a really cool little business. I put my shirt on and go in the store. No shirt, no shoes no service right? Nobody has ever said anything to me about my attire. Further more, iv pumped gas and even gone into the grocery store in the same clothing.

There is a local family aquatic center in my town and i drove by it once while there was a guy chatting with a life guard and he was wearing a speedo. ( i did almost crash the car looking but, ya)

I firmly believe that if more people were just secure with themselves, that it would become more popular. I KNOW that i have seen speedo waistband above board short waistband, so i know that guys prefer it to freeballing while swimming. I wear em and i don't even look that good. But if you have the confidence to do it, iv found that people just don't care.


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Bede735 » Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:14 pm

Texas_swimmer wrote:I wont lie every time I go to the gym to swim I get really nervous about wearing my speedos. I dont know why I do but I just do. Eventually I get over it and just go in wearing them in the pool.
Understandable. For instance, today, I drove to the pool feeling really nervous. On arrival I changed in a cubicle, then walked to the locker with a towel round my waist. Then had a few moments when I removed this, went to the shower and then the feeling of nervousness left when I was fully immersed in the pool.
Funny, but after a swim I don't have feelings like that at all. Must be the adrenalin. When I left the pool a couple of lads passed me wearing brightly coloured knee-length shorts, and I thought THEY looked ridiculous.


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by plt2087 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:51 am

adidas wrote:I agree!! Its so hot when you see or hear about another guys speedo like when i was inspecting a house to rent and the previous owners swimwear was drying in the bathroom. He wore a navy blue TYR suit.
Ive left my speedos drying with the rest of the washing while friends have visited. The black adidas suit was never prominently displayed on the drying rack but if my guests looked at my laundry they would have seen it.
I went on a holiday with a mate after he broke up with his gf, we have seen each other in briefs underwear but only ever admired from afar ;) he's married now. I wanted to swim and tan one day in my speedo and I was so nervous. I got changed and casually came out of my room and went by the pool. I was so nervous that he would see me in a speedo and so maybe my conversation with him was awkward. He "checked me out" for sure, but never felt awkward or sexual. Just interested.
When I was much younger and on a family holiday I shared the same room as an older family friend. I had never met him but because of the family connection we were very casual. His body was so hot and his personality so lovely, but because I was young and confused I didn't know what was going on. One day he came into the room and changed into a speedo right before my eyes. I couldn't help but stare as he pulled down his shorts and briefs at the same time while playing with his cock and then trying to untangle and fit his speedo. He had balls and hair and the drawstring tangled. He invited me to go swimming (even tho I was already pretty wet!) but due to my boner I couldn't move, I said I'd be right out!! As soon as he left I jerked off into my speedo, which I then covered with boxers, and wore into the pool. Wish I'd joined him in changing, maybe he would have noticed my boner and had some helpful horny words.


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Texas_swimmer » Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:04 pm

Bede735 wrote:
Texas_swimmer wrote:I wont lie every time I go to the gym to swim I get really nervous about wearing my speedos. I dont know why I do but I just do. Eventually I get over it and just go in wearing them in the pool.
Understandable. For instance, today, I drove to the pool feeling really nervous. On arrival I changed in a cubicle, then walked to the locker with a towel round my waist. Then had a few moments when I removed this, went to the shower and then the feeling of nervousness left when I was fully immersed in the pool.
Funny, but after a swim I don't have feelings like that at all. Must be the adrenalin. When I left the pool a couple of lads passed me wearing brightly coloured knee-length shorts, and I thought THEY looked ridiculous.

Yeah as soon as I get in the pool I start swimming and I don't give a shit. Then when I get out I don't wrap the towel around me to go back to the locker room, I just wear the speedo back and don't give a fuck lol. Its such a weird thing lol Im trying to get to the point where I dont get worried.


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by villageguy » Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:23 pm

Texas Swimmer, I agree with you. I am much older than most of the guys on here. Live in a retirement community. I take water aerobics 3 times a week with about 20 some women. No one has every made a comment or starred. It is our own perception that is getting in the way. Old saying is something like "We have nothing to fear but fear itself".

I too don't give a crap anymore about what others say when I wear speedos.


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Bede735 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:12 pm

Maybe we should give some crap back. There was a woman at work last week who said she'd bought her son some swimming shorts. I should have said to her 'I don't understand the concept - aren't shorts for playing football in?


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by flspeedos » Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:51 am

I've pretty much gotten over any fears of wearing my speedos to the pool. I swim laps all the time... the beach, on the other hand, is another story. I'll wear square-cuts there, but I haven't worn speedos at all except under my trunks. :oops:


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by Justin88 » Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:57 pm

flspeedos wrote:I've pretty much gotten over any fears of wearing my speedos to the pool. I swim laps all the time... the beach, on the other hand, is another story. I'll wear square-cuts there, but I haven't worn speedos at all except under my trunks. :oops:

Which beach in FL??


Re: Get out of the Speedo Closet

Post by flspeedos » Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:16 pm

It's called Playalinda beach. It's on Cape Canaveral near the space center. Apparently the far northern areas are clothing optional, but I haven't ventured up that way... yet. :)

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