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Dave 'Speedo' Evans
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Oldskool triathlon kit.

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

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Oldskool triathlon kit.

Post by snakestone91 » Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:37 am

Hey, everyone.

I'm wonderin if any of you guys ever still wear oldskool triathlon kit.
I mean the kind with just a skimpy top + matchin speedo.

Where I live, only the surf lifesavers wear it these days.
I'm a massive fan of it + wish it would make a comeback.

I always wear it for my beach runs + get positive feedback.
People treat you like a professional when you wear it, which is cool.

It feels great, looks really hot + it's suitable for any beach activity.
I'd be interested to hear back from anyone who agrees.

Regardz, Dave.


Re: Oldskool triathlon kit.

Post by bikini_noob » Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:29 am

I only wore the oldskool style once, but I really liked how it both felt and looked. To have it make a comeback would be great. It was both practical and hot.

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Location: Vancouver

Re: Oldskool triathlon kit.

Post by ubcboy » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:52 pm

Hey Snakestone,

I, personally don't wear an oldschool suit - I prefer a one piece tri suit with a front zipper, but in my last tri two weeks ago, there were a few guys rocking the speedo and top look.

They tend to be worn for the short-distance tris, such as the sprint distance and, less so, olympic distance. If you're doing a half- or full-ironman, you definitely don't want to wear the speedo as it lacks the protective chamois that is the only thing saving you from getting a very sore and raw ass (and not the good kind!).
If you doubt yourself, wear something else

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