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Finally doing it! (new suit, pics included)

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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How should I wear my new speedos?

Poll ended at Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:36 pm

With padding and using the pocket - Very hung
No votes
Without padding, using the pocket - Perky
No enhancements -au natural
Total votes: 8


Finally doing it! (new suit, pics included)

Post by Waka » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:36 pm

So, im an 18 year old wannabe who first posted here in 2009 but im not a regular. On my intro topic I asked for advice on how to get a body suitable for speedos, and how to get into wearing them.
Well, I've spent the summer mountainbiking, running and eating healthy, and my body's improved a fair bit. I dont think im "there" yet, but im making progress. Im also off to uni in 2 weeks, and want to get into swimming every day, in speedos if possible.

My mum booked a last-minute holiday to Costa Dorada in Spain just yesterday, and we fly in a few hours. So I decided if any time was the time to get into speedos, it was NOW. So, I madly searched for high-street stores in the UK Midlands that stock hot speedos in Autumn, to get myself some before we go.
(Silly, I know..as Barcelona is speedo-city, but I wanted to get them BEFORE I went, because I AM NOT chickening out this time.)
Overwhelmingly no luck. At the height of the summer season, it seems most shops only stock 1 or 2 speedo style suits, aimed at a less fasion-concious audience than myself. I ended up tracking down a Gay Shop in Birmingham that sold them. My mum and I went to Birmingham on the train, and I snook off to go buy my first sexy speedos.

They were £50. Pricey I know, but we were running out of time, gonna miss the train, and that was the only place I'd found that sold any even close to being nice at this time of year. To cut an even longer story short, I got home and tried them on. - What a moment! Never thought I could look so good wearing so little. I could almost say they were worth the £50 and all the effort.

So, tomorrow I'm off to sunny Spain for 11 days on the beach in speedos, getting a wonderful speedo tan and further improving my body with lots of swimming. Here's hoping I dont get too excited with being naked on the beach but for a skimpy ES swimsuit and some suncream!

I'll be updating this post with an after-holiday pic, for fair comparison of my progress and tan. ;)

On another note; these speedos have 2 curious extra features. One is a pocket in the front, within which one insets one's junk. The pocket lifts and confines, to give you an accentuated bulge.
The other feature is a foam insert which can go into the aforementioned pocket to further enhance the bulge.

Having tried all combinations, I can say that they all look tasteful and inconspicuous. The enhancements add bulge size but eliminate that outline so many guys love. The question that arises is, how should an 18 year old lad on the beach or by the pool wear these?
Should I use the padding, should I use the pocket without the padding, or should I use neither and just show off what god gave me?

(I wont see the results of this poll till I'm back from holiday, but it will influence my choices when I hit the pool at uni, or on future beach-trips)



Re: Finally doing it! (new suit, pics included)

Post by Zwimmer » Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:16 pm

Hi waka,

ES is an expensive brand. How does it feel on you? how does it look with the padding?

If you want attention then go for the padding, I am sure you will get with or without it.

Very difficult to find sexy swimwear. You could have tried Selfridges. I know Se;fridges in London have swimwear all year round (they have a lot of different brands there), not sure about the one in B'ham.

enjoy you hols and show us you tan line when you get back.


Re: Finally doing it! (new suit, pics included)

Post by t419 » Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:33 am

I'm never one for padding or enhancement - it only serves as a potential disappointment for when they come off :P

No, truth be told, some enhancement is fine, but I don't think many guys need it and you look well equipped enough in that area.

Have fun in Spain! Totally wish I was there - warm weather, nice beaches, eating paella with chorizo and jamon, followed by siesta! 8)

Ah Spain.


Re: Finally doing it! (new suit, pics included)

Post by speedoboi » Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:26 pm

Congratulations. You're more courageous than me. I've only been wearing them to the swimming pool I go to when i'm at the gym. Enjoy Spain and post some pics of you in them while at the beach.


Re: Finally doing it! (new suit, pics included)

Post by Waka » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:40 pm

Im back from Spain with a mild speedo-tan.
Unfortunately the resort was pretty disappointing. The beach was filthy and covered in cigarette butts, the sea was also filthy, and the landscape was dominated by the largest petrochemical works I've ever seen. The hotel swimming pool was also tiny.
Needless to say, my ambition to get lots of swimming done wasn't realised. Plenty of hours out in the sun in my new swimsuit though, so it's not all bad.
For those who are curious, I instinctively went for the au natural look which co-incidentally is what this poll seems to be suggesting.
Off to uni soon. Here's hoping there's plenty more speedo opportunities to come.

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