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My problem with wearing thong swimwear is not one that you would expect (sensitive skin/break outs)

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My problem with wearing thong swimwear is not one that you would expect (sensitive skin/break outs)

Post by trance399 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:44 am

I've yet to hear this issue ever talked about which makes me think I'm in the minority. I've been wearing swim briefs for many years. I've also had sensitive skin for my whole life. When I was in my 20s I had a lot of break outs on my butt and I was trying to determine the cause. I've always been a very clean person. I started being even more careful and absolutely would not sit on a public toilet seat without a seat covering. I don't even sit on a toilet seat at a friend's/family member's house without cleaning it first. I use a Lysol wipe on my toilet seat at home after almost every use, especially after my kids. In hotels after checking the bed the first thing I do is clean the toilet seat with a cleaning wipe.

For nearly 10 years my problem went away. In the past few years I started wearing thong swimwear to sun tan at home. Recently I decided to wear a swim thong the first time on vacation. I was wondering if I would have an issue with break outs. It's good hygiene to use a towel when sitting on beach furniture at a hotel pool, etc. I was hoping this would solve my problem. It didn't. At some point no matter how careful, my butt would get in contact with something. I found myself sitting on the edge of the pool my first day on vacation. Also sitting on the sand by the ocean. I was wondering if my butt would break out again. Sure enough the next morning it did.

Are there any solutions for this? Anyone else have the same problem? Is there any creams that someone could recommend?

The only thing I can think of is going back to swim briefs.

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Re: My problem with wearing thong swimwear is not one that you would expect (sensitive skin/break outs)

Post by _su_ » Thu Feb 08, 2024 5:11 pm

I have the same damned problem! Skin just breaks out all over, just where I sit on my body. And they hurt and stay for weeks! I love my brief tan lines, but would love to try trading them in just for a year, but don't want to end up with an odd mix of the two. I used to get more of them on different parts of my body, but only places where thick dark hairs faded to skin, like top and bottom beardline, abs, butt. I found out I have a gluten allergy by other means, cut that out, and now they are pretty much limited to my backside. Peanuts also cause them too, but only on contact. You may have a food allergy or other. Doctors have been no help to me, so I've had to guess. I've actually got some genetics test results coming to tell me if I have a genetic profile that conflicts with certain medications. This could be one of the issues. Good luck in your quest for answers!
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Re: My problem with wearing thong swimwear is not one that you would expect (sensitive skin/break outs)

Post by trance399 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:56 pm

Same here - only where I sit on things, such as toilet seats and now I guess the edge of the pool. I guess that makes sense because feet are dirty. The edge of the pool is where feet are.

It doesn't happen anywhere else other than my butt. I shower very well once or twice a day too. Since I'm back from vacation and it's cold, things have cleared up. But makes me afraid to wear a swim thong again. Always gotta be very careful where I sit. Of course I didn't think twice about sitting on the edge of a pool. Maybe if I try the beach only. Maybe the sand will be forgiving.

I doubt I have a food allergy, as it's only when I accidentally come into contact with something that might be unclean. I don't get it anywhere else on my body. I don't know.

However, I have not went to my doctor. I'd imagine he'd just tell me to clean toilet seats and stick to speedos 😂

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Re: My problem with wearing thong swimwear is not one that you would expect (sensitive skin/break outs)

Post by _su_ » Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:32 pm

I've tried the benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid cleansers with no luck. There's this stuff called Fresh Balls that works pretty good though. It goes on like a lotion but dries quickly to leave a baby powder feel. It certainly helps with minimizing any shaving irritation in the area. It seems to help minimize breakouts when they occur. YMMV.
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Re: My problem with wearing thong swimwear is not one that you would expect (sensitive skin/break outs)

Post by Thom » Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:14 am

_su_ wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:32 pm
I've tried the benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid cleansers with no luck. There's this stuff called Fresh Balls that works pretty good though. It goes on like a lotion but dries quickly to leave a baby powder feel. It certainly helps with minimizing any shaving irritation in the area. It seems to help minimize breakouts when they occur. YMMV.
Thanks for the product recommendation. They sure get to the point with the name. :lol: No beating around the bush (the pun was unintentional...honest!) like that product on TV--Lume (which is expensive.)--and Lume doesn't become a powder.
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Re: My problem with wearing thong swimwear is not one that you would expect (sensitive skin/break outs)

Post by _su_ » Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:19 am

Just an update. No luck with the allergist finding or suggesting anything. Genetics test still waiting to discuss, but it looks like there may be something there. Recently, I've been prescribed an antibiotic to see if that clears it up. After that, they're going to finally have me see a dermatologist.
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Re: My problem with wearing thong swimwear is not one that you would expect (sensitive skin/break outs)

Post by trance399 » Tue May 28, 2024 9:11 am

_su_ wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:19 am
Just an update. No luck with the allergist finding or suggesting anything. Genetics test still waiting to discuss, but it looks like there may be something there. Recently, I've been prescribed an antibiotic to see if that clears it up. After that, they're going to finally have me see a dermatologist.
Thanks for the update. I might have to go see a dermatologist myself.

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