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Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

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Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by rockman748 » Sat May 25, 2019 12:13 pm

Yesterday I decided that I was going to go to the beach. I was hoping to do some surfing, but the waves were very weak. On my drive to the beach I told myself that I was going to wear my aussiebums and not my shorts. Once I was driving around trying to find a parking spot I passed a girl on her bike wearing a black thong bikini and I told myself that if girls are going to wear thongs all over the place then I have every right to wear a speedo to the beach. Once I arrived I set up my chair, slipped off my shorts revealing my navy aussiebum classic 1.5 and then sat down for a couple minutes. I then realized that I hadn't put on sunscreen and it was a UV index of 10 so I needed it and it was in my car. So I put my shorts back on, got the sunscreen and then sat back down and took off my shorts. There were a couple of girls maybe high school aged or early college sitting near me. I then was getting hot and wanted to go into the water to cool down. I was really nervous but then remembered "if you doubt yourself, wear something else" and I didn't doubt myself I had just built up this fear that something was going to happen. So I stood up and nothing happened. I walked to the water and then got in it. I passed some people playing football in the surf and no one said anything. Those 2 girls eventually even went in the water. After a few minutes I went and sat backdown and started listening to a podcast laying down on my towel. After a little bit I got up and went into the water again and once again no one said anything. I did this a 3rd time and I decided to conquer my fear even more I needed to walk the beach some and not just walk to the water and right back to my chair and towel. So I walked down the beach about 5-7 minutes and then turned around, honestly because there were a lot of people ahead and I was still a little scared, especially because I know a lot of people that are in my town. As I walked back there were a couple of 20-25 girls whom one had been laying down and the other one reading a book. The one reading was now standing up and walking around and was a good looking girl. As I passed her walking nothing happened. I looked back maybe 20 seconds later and saw that she was wearing a cheeky bikini. I would say that I just need to do it more often now but being scared of wearing a speedo to the beach when girls are going to parade around in thongs and cheeky bikinis is ridiculous. It's just a bathing suit and all that it shows is some extra leg. I will say though that I'm in excellent physical condition this summer and have a 6-pack that shows so that definitely helps me to feel better about myself. We have a family beach trip coming up in a couple of weeks that I might just have to wear speedos to as well. At the end of the day it's just a bathing suit and family shouldn't really judge. I just realized that all the fear of wearing a speedo is just being put into our heads by ourselves. So get out and wear them!
Just a straight guy who likes speedos and aussiebums

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by Scottiebum » Sat May 25, 2019 12:24 pm

Well said, glad you had a good day.

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by sandford50 » Sat May 25, 2019 2:31 pm

Great account.

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by BJE » Sun May 26, 2019 7:38 am

Yes, fear is all in our heads. Obviously theres someone who is going to think something or a few who will comment to each other but they will do the same when seeing the girl in the thong too. People will be judgmental but few will actually say anything or even give a strange look. It’s sort of like how I hate large tattoos. I notice, I think to myself how I don’t like it but I ignore it. I don’t comment. It’s their body and their right.

Wearing a speedo in public is sort of like a guy shaving his arms and legs. I don’t do it because I would feel conspicuous yet I see a lot of guys at the gym with shaved arms and legs and they just walk around like it’s normal and no one says anything. I admire shaved arms and legs on a fit guy though I’m too timid to do it myself and I assume there are a lot of guys out there who admire us wearing speedos but are too timid to do it themselves.

I’ll note though that I think I turn a few heads in the water aerobics class that’s going on in the pool while taking my daily walk past them to go to the hot tub. However it’s not like these people haven’t seen me walk by in a speedo a hundred times.

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by SthOzGuy81 » Mon May 27, 2019 12:14 pm

Good on you mate!

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by MrMusik » Tue May 28, 2019 8:11 am

rockman748 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 12:13 pm
Yesterday I decided that I was going to go to the beach.

I told myself that if girls are going to wear thongs all over the place then I have every right to wear a speedo to the beach.

I just realized that all the fear of wearing a speedo is just being put into our heads by ourselves. So get out and wear them!
Yes, exactly!!!

You were the only one in your own head causing problems!

Just get out there and wear them! Have fun with the family in your briefs!

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by Thom » Tue May 28, 2019 8:21 am

rockman748 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 12:13 pm
... At the end of the day it's just a bathing suit and family shouldn't really judge. I just realized that all the fear of wearing a speedo is just being put into our heads by ourselves. So get out and wear them!
Awesome post. Thanks.

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by ExBex » Tue May 28, 2019 8:37 am

Nice post. Thanks for doing your part to correct the gender discrepancy in tiny swim suits!

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by shadowmn » Tue May 28, 2019 1:19 pm

Nice. I wore a 1.5 Aussiebum in a pool during my vacation in Aruba. It was an early morning swim and nobody was in the pool yet, but I'm sure I was seen by people doing their workouts on the treadmill as it overlooked the pool. It was my last day in Aruba and all I could think was, why didn't I wear this suit before?? It's one of my favorites.
Just a straight guy that enjoys wearing speedos. Life is too short, enjoy wearing what you want.

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Re: Wore Aussiebum 1.5 to the beach

Post by blueflinch » Fri May 31, 2019 3:01 pm

Good on ya, mate. Bet you looked fab! :P

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