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Destruction of My Speedo Confidence

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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Re: Destruction of My Speedo Confidence

Post by speedoboi » Tue May 26, 2015 5:27 pm

Today I had my first session of non-surgical liposuction. I explained to the aesthetician what was going on. She was surprised that I was getting this procedure done because as I showed her, my skinny jeans were falling - they could have easily been pulled down with little to no effort. She examined my stomach and she simply told me there wasn't much fat, in fact she could see there was some muscle. She further added that I would not be a candidate for liposuction surgery or stomach reduction surgery as well. But she did notice the swelling. She said hopefully the 4 sessions should help. I really hope so. My confidence - not just in speedos has been adversely destroyed.

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Re: Destruction of My Speedo Confidence

Post by speedoboi » Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:11 pm

Update: The sessions helped a little bit. My obliques ended up better than my abdominal area. I will look at getting another 4 sessions possibly. Today I went to see a practitioner in alternative health since I was getting worse with the bloating. The liver has not been doing well along with my digestive system and other factors, but for the sake of privacy, I won't go any further.

I am hoping this will work out. I wnat my confidence in a speedo built up - not destroyed.

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Re: Destruction of My Speedo Confidence

Post by redheaded_aquaman » Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:26 am

One thing to consider that might help is the addition of digestive enzymes to help your body control what's going on in your GI tract.

Our bodies naturally start to taper off in the amount of enzymes produced to digest what it is we consume. From personal experience, taking a good balanced enzyme helps wonders with your body being able to properly break down and digest whatever happens to be in your system.

After research and lots of personal testing, I have found the following to be very effective:
http://enzymedica.com/collections/diges ... ve-enzymes

Even more effective, but not specifically marketed for digestion is another product by Enzymedica known as Enzyme Defense. It used be called ViraStop.

http://enzymedica.com/collections/thera ... ne-support

It's *very* good at breaking down proteins. It works by targeting the protein encasing shell around viruses. Once that outer protein shell is compromised, your body's own natural immune response, provided your immune system is healthy, can knock out and render the virus dead. I've had cold sores since I was a young kid and this really works. Since the virus for cold sores lies dormant in the lower part of our spinal column until such time as stressors trigger it to activate, it is always lurking, just waiting to flare up. This particular enzyme combination seems to attack the living hell out of the Herpes simplex virus and quickly. IF you take this enzyme within a certain window of time from having eaten a meal, it will start breaking down whatever proteins it finds. The recommended use for Enzyme Defense is to take it on an empty stomach and about an hour or two before eating so that it can do it's magic on the protein shells protecting viruses circulating in your body. However if you take it AFTER you have eaten a meal, it works just like a digestive enzyme -- only it's really good at breaking down proteins, which should help if you are suffering from bloating because your body is reacting to having a difficult time digesting protein.

Here is good resource to learn about enzymes:

I'm not trying to shill for Enzymedia and I have no invested interest in them. I only share this because I know it has worked for me and for friends and family to whom I have recommend they take an enzyme product(s). Nor am I a medical professional. It's been a process of trial and error. If you've every gone down the path of having a colonic or being around people who are seriously into that practice, you get exposed to all sorts of alternative approaches to taking care of your body. And again, from experience, I will attest to the fact that some of those people are a bit crazed, but the knowledge gleaned from that exposure and putting into practice for myself has yielded positive results.

If you are unfamiliar with the above mentioned practice of colonics, do your research. As with anything and everything in life, moderation is the key. Any number of online articles will offer reasons not to do so. However I believe that in excess it's dangerous. If you have any sort of addictive issues, heads-up it can be dangerous. Run-of-the-mill medical doctors are skittish and negative about the practice because it's basically counter intuitive to how they were trained. Cut-and-remove, then medicate is the foundation of modern medicine. Focusing on methods and means for how to help our body heal itself with non-pharmaceutical assistance is anathema for many doctors. However some progressive oncologists, I've learned over the years, will advise some patients to consider a few colonics as part of their treatment because it helps the body cleanse itself of dying cells from chemo to flush out of the body faster. Also, colonics combined with skin brushing, which stimulates the lymphatic system to circulate much more than it normally does, helps your body detox quickly.

Colonics: http://www.fountainofhealth.com/colonicbenefits.php
Dry Skin Brushing: http://www.naturalhealthmag.com.au/cont ... n-brushing

In conclusion, it's a good practice to supplement with enzymes to help your body out because we naturally loose that ability to produce them on our own. Enzymes are catalysts which help break down what we consume and can reduce the negative consequences from any number of things in our GI tract producing a gaseous by-product which leads to bloating.

I hope this helps. You shouldn't feel bad about showing off in your speedos. It's all about knowing more to better take care of our bodies so that when we do show off, we feel good about ourselves.

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Re: Destruction of My Speedo Confidence

Post by speedoboi » Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:35 am

This needed a bump. It explains what led to my loss of confidence.

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Re: Destruction of My Speedo Confidence

Post by cluster » Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:52 pm

Hi Speedoboi,
How did it go with the non surgical liposuction after 4 sessions?
Did it help? I am thinking of doing the same but I don't know how positive are the results.

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Re: Destruction of My Speedo Confidence

Post by speedoboi » Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:51 pm

cluster wrote:Hi Speedoboi,
How did it go with the non surgical liposuction after 4 sessions?
Did it help? I am thinking of doing the same but I don't know how positive are the results.

Please accept my apologies Cluster for my late response. I was busy with work and other matters. The 4 sessions helped. The aestheticians (female) who attended me all said I wasn't fat, they noticed there was an issue with bloating. The bloating improved on my obliques. There was no improvement in my abdominal area, but the obliques improved. However, despite having work, I have been paid late on a constant basis. For 2015, I haven't been paid for work performed from October-December so I could not continue the treatments. I suggest for you to try a few sessions first.

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