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Speedos in public

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

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Speedos in public

Post by Nandosboy » Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:25 am

Why is it here in queensland speedos are thought and said to be for the gay community? Ok yes I'm gay and I love my speedos but for some reason my mother hates being with me when I'm in my speedos in public, she is constantly saying they are inappropriate t be wearing to water parks and the beach. To me it does to matter if your gay, bi or straight men should be able to wear speedos with out the taunting or stares they get from the public. It's no different to a female wearing only a bikini now is it?

Ok to me I don't look too bad in my speedos and if I did I don't care as I love them. And I don't care that I'm a grower not a shower. It's my body and I like it
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Re: Speedos in public

Post by JonUK037 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:20 pm

I thought Australia was different to the US, and to a certain extent to England. I spent a month over there in 2006 and went to pools in Brisbane, Sydeny and Melbourne. I would say that the majority of guys wore Speedos. Have things really changed that much in six years or is there a big difference in attitude in terms of what is seen as acceptable in the pool and what is acceptable at a waterpark or on the beach? I completely agree with you - Speedos are no different to bikinis. Do you actually get taunts or stares? Can't say I've ever really found that here in England.

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Re: Speedos in public

Post by electric2010 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:35 pm

You look great. Keep wearing your speedos.

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Re: Speedos in public

Post by tanned bum » Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:07 am

Nandosboy wrote:Why is it here in queensland speedos are thought and said to be for the gay community? Ok yes I'm gay and I love my speedos but for some reason my mother hates being with me when I'm in my speedos in public, she is constantly saying they are inappropriate t be wearing to water parks and the beach. To me it does to matter if your gay, bi or straight men should be able to wear speedos with out the taunting or stares they get from the public. It's no different to a female wearing only a bikini now is it?

Ok to me I don't look too bad in my speedos and if I did I don't care as I love them. And I don't care that I'm a grower not a shower. It's my body and I like it

First. The gay community has done everything possible to make the entire planet think the speedo is the official uniform of gays. Every Pride parade, the majority of participants as well as observers are wearing speedos. Gay nightclubs and events feature pictures of guys in speedos in the advertising on posters or in ads. TV and movies have sent cameras to gay events and guys in speedos are all over the place. With this overload of gays wearing speedos on the public via magazines, newspapers, TV and movies, why wouldn't the public equate speedos with gays? Str8s that used to wear them no longer want to be presumed gay due to their choice of swimwear, gays are avoiding them a lot at public beaches and pools because they feel stereotyped. Basically, it seems that the gays have done the ad campaign that Speedos=Gay and now are complaining.
Second. Where are you that you are taunted or stared at in a speedo? I have worn them all over the world in hotels and at beaches and have never had an adverse experience. Unless you are skipping along in a pink bikini or running around in a wet white nylon suit, I can't really believe these claims.
Third. never compare what women wear to what men wear. It is two entirely different things. First, women love to show off in a bikini because they love the attention from men. Second, all str8 men love to see women in bikinis. So, you have the majority of women want to wear them and the majority of men wanting to see them -- big difference from the speedo. Guys, for the most part, don't find speedos comfortable or practical. Being used to swinging loose in boxer shorts (not boxer briefs) they don't like the feeling of being pulled up tight in the speedo. They are more fragile than cotton shorts or surf shorts and don't hold up well to the active volleyball games or the rough waxed surface of a surfboard. Also, a speedo has a bad habit of displaying the water temp. They also like the pockets so they can have cash to buy drinks and snacks for the bikini clad cuties.
Bikinis have been thought to be sexy and worn by sex symbols (marilyn monroe, jane mansfield, brigit bardot) right from the start. Speedos for years were thought of as a swimmers uniform. Guys have been used to wearing shorts, cut offs or what ever in the summer and if the opportunity of a swim came up, they tossed off their shirt and dove in. Shorts have been the standard for men since the 40's. Those that did wear speedos were just picking a style of suits. It wasn't until the gays came out of the closet and generally photographed in speedos that the connection came about.
As it is now, you have to expect to be judged as gay if you show up in a speedo unless you prove otherwise. It may be a sad commentary on assumptions by people, but one shouldn't be surprised. However, the assumption that a guy in a speedo is gay is also made by the gays. Lets face it, if you are the only guy by the pool in a speedo and another shows up, you will start sizing him up for a hook up.
Basically you have to be secure in yourself to be either gay or straight when you wear a speedo. They have been stereotyped as the official gay uniform and you will need to get over that fact and just be comfortable with yourself in your speedo.

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Re: Speedos in public

Post by jetboy72 » Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:10 pm

Hey, from another Queenslander, a couple of things....

1. You look great in the speedos, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

2. You need to be in what you feel comfortable, as well as what makes you feel confident and good about yourself. I think you mother has issues, and they are her issues, not yours.

3. Not wearing speedos has been taken over by those who have a problem with sexuality in general, as well as those who are scared of their own, and other peoples, bodies. Can a man not look at another man and appreciate their body, without wanting to have sex with them? OK, not me, as a lot of men in speedos turn me on, but there are men who can appreciate other men, and not want to have sex with them. Just another form of homophobia that people need to get over.

Just remember you are doing something that you are comfortable with, and that is not hurting anyone else, so enjoy it!!

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Re: Speedos in public

Post by speedo_guy » Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:39 am

You look great in them, especially the square cut blue ones. I know it's easier said than done but wear what you want to, you're not being inappropriate and it's nothing to do with being gay.

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Re: Speedos in public

Post by Luquoso » Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:14 am

Certainly your mother has the issue, and its not your concern, so don't stress to much!!
I'm getting used to wearing my speedos out in public now! I've grown more confident than what I have been in the past! Do what you like! I'd certainly be wearing my speedos at white water world or wet n wild at this time of year in extreme heat!! That would be awesome to see other guys do it too!!


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Re: Speedos in public

Post by Nandosboy » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:40 am

thanks guys for all your nice words

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Re: Speedos in public

Post by diveguy » Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:05 am

tanned bum wrote:
Nandosboy wrote:Why is it here in queensland speedos are thought and said to be for the gay community? Ok yes I'm gay and I love my speedos but for some reason my mother hates being with me when I'm in my speedos in public, she is constantly saying they are inappropriate t be wearing to water parks and the beach. To me it does to matter if your gay, bi or straight men should be able to wear speedos with out the taunting or stares they get from the public. It's no different to a female wearing only a bikini now is it?

Ok to me I don't look too bad in my speedos and if I did I don't care as I love them. And I don't care that I'm a grower not a shower. It's my body and I like it
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First. The gay community has done everything possible to make the entire planet think the speedo is the official uniform of gays. Every Pride parade, the majority of participants as well as observers are wearing speedos. Gay nightclubs and events feature pictures of guys in speedos in the advertising on posters or in ads. TV and movies have sent cameras to gay events and guys in speedos are all over the place. With this overload of gays wearing speedos on the public via magazines, newspapers, TV and movies, why wouldn't the public equate speedos with gays? Str8s that used to wear them no longer want to be presumed gay due to their choice of swimwear, gays are avoiding them a lot at public beaches and pools because they feel stereotyped. Basically, it seems that the gays have done the ad campaign that Speedos=Gay and now are complaining.
Second. Where are you that you are taunted or stared at in a speedo? I have worn them all over the world in hotels and at beaches and have never had an adverse experience. Unless you are skipping along in a pink bikini or running around in a wet white nylon suit, I can't really believe these claims.
Third. never compare what women wear to what men wear. It is two entirely different things. First, women love to show off in a bikini because they love the attention from men. Second, all str8 men love to see women in bikinis. So, you have the majority of women want to wear them and the majority of men wanting to see them -- big difference from the speedo. Guys, for the most part, don't find speedos comfortable or practical. Being used to swinging loose in boxer shorts (not boxer briefs) they don't like the feeling of being pulled up tight in the speedo. They are more fragile than cotton shorts or surf shorts and don't hold up well to the active volleyball games or the rough waxed surface of a surfboard. Also, a speedo has a bad habit of displaying the water temp. They also like the pockets so they can have cash to buy drinks and snacks for the bikini clad cuties.
Bikinis have been thought to be sexy and worn by sex symbols (marilyn monroe, jane mansfield, brigit bardot) right from the start. Speedos for years were thought of as a swimmers uniform. Guys have been used to wearing shorts, cut offs or what ever in the summer and if the opportunity of a swim came up, they tossed off their shirt and dove in. Shorts have been the standard for men since the 40's. Those that did wear speedos were just picking a style of suits. It wasn't until the gays came out of the closet and generally photographed in speedos that the connection came about.
As it is now, you have to expect to be judged as gay if you show up in a speedo unless you prove otherwise. It may be a sad commentary on assumptions by people, but one shouldn't be surprised. However, the assumption that a guy in a speedo is gay is also made by the gays. Lets face it, if you are the only guy by the pool in a speedo and another shows up, you will start sizing him up for a hook up.
Basically you have to be secure in yourself to be either gay or straight when you wear a speedo. They have been stereotyped as the official gay uniform and you will need to get over that fact and just be comfortable with yourself in your speedo.

I generally agree with all of that and couldn't have said it better myself. Making speedos mainstream again will be an uphill climb. Best thing is to be confident and comfortable in your own sexuality, gay or straight or mixed, and not give a shit about standard conventions and just enjoy yourself. Yes maybe speedos send some sort of "gay" signal in the minds of small minded people, but I have to think that not everyone who is seen in a speedo is assumed to be gay. I do also believe that there is an attitude where wearing a speedo is a "goof", and that it's done for comedic intent. Shock value. This too is not quite helpful because it also belittles the speedo as something less than legitimate.

These dudes wore their speedos as a goof, but since they are on the swim team, they are no strangers to speedos and obviously comfortable being seen in them. Turns out their attempt at shock value didn't quite pan out because the opposing team's free throw percentage was actually higher than average when shooting at the basket where the speedo guys were. High marks for effort for the spedo guys, but I suspect that hot looking girls in bikinis might have been more distracting to the opposing team!

story links:

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaab-the ... ncaab.html

http://swimswam.com/speedo-clad-seton-h ... straction/
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Underwater and Speedo loving straight guy

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Re: Speedos in public

Post by Speedo1986 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:49 am

I work out at LA Fitness here in norther Virginia and have recently gotten back into swimming. When I first started, I was the only one wearing a speedo brief, although there were a few wearing jammers. I generally swim 3 times a week. Over the month and a half that I have been swimming, more guys have started wearing swim briefs. I think more guys are willing to wear them once they see others are wearing them. So if you want to change the way people view speedos, you have to be willing to lead the way. There is nothing wrong with them, so don't be ashamed to wear them. Just my .02

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Re: Speedos in public

Post by johnc » Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:06 am

I agree with the previous post by Speedo1986. I've seen guys take off their shorts once they see someone else wearing speedos.

I don't live near a beach, so for me the key has been swimming lots, the more you wear them the more comfortable you get. I see plenty of guys wearing small suits - they are not so rare as some might think, especially if you swim.

As for any stigmas associated with a small suit, why make it into something to worry about - if a stigma really exists, and I'm not sure that it does, why worry about what other people think?

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