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Hello from England

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:45 am
by Bede735
I started swimming regularly around about 1988. I had a pair of red swimming trunks which were about 8/9 inches long. I noticed that most guys in the pool wore very brief speedos, so around 3 years later I plucked up the courage to buy a pair of Speedos with 2 inch/5 cm sides, which were the briefest i could find in the Sports shop. I'll never forget the first time I walked down the steps into the pool, as i felt like I was naked.... However, once i did a couple of lengths I felt totally relaxed, and what was noticeable was the lack of drag wearing these. Totally different from what i was wearing before.

So ever since then I have stuck with the same type. I've noticed major changes in the pool since then. Shorts, if you can call them that, have become the fashion for men, and it's not unusual for me to be the only one in the pool wearing Speedos, while all the other guys wear pants down to their knees. I just can't work out how they can swim in those - the drag effect must be considerable. Even in my non-Speedo days i wouldn't wear anything like that, and i'm not going to start now.
Women, by contrast, have changed from wearing one piece suits to in many cases bikinis. It's all a bit odd, and I hope it's just a current fashion which will change.

Re: Hello from England

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:44 am
by sagaguy1
Yes, I do know what you mean. I do also love speedos and smaller and note that in the US most guys wear these really long boardshorts or worse. Have quite a collection of HOM and also Atsui Japanese speedos and they are great.

Re: Hello from England

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:58 pm
by mypecs
hi mate i live in the uk and often go to bournmouth at first it seemed if i was the only guy in speedos to but who cares